One thing I don’t like about WordPress is that when a comment submitted by a reader goes into moderation for some reason, they have no way of knowing their comment was successfully submitted. They just see that it hasn’t been posted. Even with prominent warnings about the possibility of moderation, they might try to submit the comment again, becoming frustrated.
My solution give the user a JavaScript alert window telling them if their comment was put into moderation.
For WordPress 1.5.1, it can be done with a strict plugin: Notify Users of Moderation 1.0 Just install this, activate it, and you’re done.
For earlier versions, it requires hacking. First, open up wp-comments-post.php
and look for this code (near the end). This is for WP 1.2.1 and 1.3… for WP 1.2, see below.
$location = get_permalink($comment_post_ID);
Replace that line with these two lines.
$comment_went_live = ($approved == 0) ? '?moderated=true' : ''; $location = get_permalink($comment_post_ID) . $comment_went_live;
If you are using WP 1.2, look for this line.
$location = (empty($_POST['redirect_to'])) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : $_POST['redirect_to'];
Replace with this.
$comment_went_live = ($approved == 0) ? '?moderated=true' : ''; $location = (empty($_POST['redirect_to'])) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : $_POST['redirect_to']; $location .= $comment_went_live;
What this does is append ?moderated=true
to the end of the URI the user is redirected to after submitting a moderated comment. This is for use with clean URIs… if you use the index.php?p=XXX
method, you should change ?moderated=true
to &moderated=true
Now, all you have to do is add code to index.php
to make a pop-up alert when moderated=true
is in the URI.
In your index.php
file, inside the <head></head> section, add this code.
<?php if ($_GET['moderated'] === 'true') { ?> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- window.onload= function(){ alert ("Your comment was successfully processed!\n\nHowever, due to one of the reasons listed below, it was placed on hold and will appear on the site once the administrator verifies that it is not spam.\n\n - more than <?php echo get_settings('comment_max_links') . ' link'; echo (get_settings('comment_max_links') > 1) ? 's' : ''; ?> in the comment\n - contained a word sometimes associated with spam\n\nPlease be patient and do not resubmit your comment."); } //--></script> <?php } ?>
Modify the text of that alert to your liking. \n
means a forced line break.
This will work on both WordPress 1.2 and WordPress 1.3
Yes, it works… please don’t test it out by spamming me. 😀
Once Again: Please don’t test it out by spamming me! If you want to see what it looks like when a comment gets moderated, put ?moderated=true
at the end of the address up in your browser’s address bar.
Update: Added in a little PHP logic into the popup so that it automatically grabs your max links setting.
Update: Added a plugin version for WP 1.5.1
I’d love to use this, but I can’t seem to make it work. I’m using Kubrick as my base template, which does not have a <head></head> area in the index.php . Is there an equivalent that you know of? The closest I could find was <head profile=”″></head>, but this did not work. Please help.
That is the head section. Just make sure that you modify it in the right file. If I remember correctly, Kubrick uses separate files for individual archives. You would need to add the JavaScript code in the individual archive file.
All that Kubrick comes with is index.php, kubrick-searchform.php, wp-comments.php, and wp-layout.css . I tried inserting the code again into index.php and still no good. Any ideas, this would be great to have.
Hm, I’m using an renamed wp-comments-post.php, would that be affecting it?
James, you would have to make the modification inside the new wp-comments-post.php file.
Blast, that’s what I’ve been doing. Shoot, I’d love to get this up and running. Would it help if I sent you a copy of my index.php?
I’d be glad to help. Check your e-mail.
I’d love to make this cool script work Mark.
Unfortunately, when I open wp-comments-post.php the only line that starts with $location is:
$location = (empty($_POST['redirect_to'])) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] : $_POST['redirect_to'];
I’m using WordPress 1.2
JohnP, my mistake, I only looked at WP 1.3 and 1.2.1… it is slightly different in WP 1.2
I have updated the instructions to reflect that.
Horray, it work did! Thanks a lot Mark.
However, the instructions still need a little editing – it should read:
And, if you copy and paste the alert text from above note that the line breaks need correcting to n
Thanks for catching that, JohnP. Posting code in WordPress can be frustrating, as you need to convert a lot of things to HTML entities, such as doublequotes, ampersands, and now (apparently) backslashes!
this fix is fantastic! i have one question though. how can i get it to work with pop up comments?
I don’t really know anything about WP’s pop-up comments… you’re the first one I’ve ever heard of using them. However, I imagine it it as simple as inserting the JavaScript code into the correct place in
instead of inindex.php
I have a problem with this code. I did everything correctly and even tested it out how you said like typing and it works, but when a comment is posted the URL would be something like so it doesn’t work on that page. Please help!
Read the instructions again. If you’re using the
method, you need to change a?
in the plugin to a&
.Sorry about that. It’s what I get for not reading things…
This is SUCH a great idea! Some of my “spam words” could be commonly used by legitimate readers. Thank you!
I also love the way you have your own comments set up here… the live preview and html tags are genius!
Excellent script, thanks!
Wow, it works. Great script, thanks.
Thanks Mark! Great hack; makes my life simpler.
Thanks so much, this had been bothering me since setting up my comment spam words.
Wanted to let you know I really appreciated it.
I’m getting the following error: I tried both the ? and the & method.
My mistake. A WordPress upgrade changed something and I was escaping with backslashes something that no longer needed escaping. It should be right now.
I just don’t seem to get this to work. my WP version is 1.2.2
if i try breaking my own rules i do get the p=xxx&moderated=true at the end of the url, but the javascript window does not pop up although i have modified my index.php.
any ideas?
You must have made a mistake when modifying your
If you give me your blog’s URI, I can take a look at it and likely tell you what’s wrong.
I got it. Something must have gone wrong during cut&paste.
Great Hack.
Thanks a lot.
I’ve just upgraded to WP 1.5.1, and now every comment posted re-directs with
appended to the URL, even if it is not moderated.I’ve changed the modification of
to the 1.3 version above (I upgraded from WP1.2) – does 1.5.1 need something different again?Also, Spam Karma 2 Simple Digest has occasionally (but not always), wrongly reported that there is a comment in moderation, when in fact it has successfully been displayed – perhaps this is connected?
JohnP, I added a plugin version for WP 1.5.1 that doesn’t require any hacking. The only caveat is that it won’t yet work with Spam Karma 2. I’ve notified the plugin’s author of the problem and told him how he can fix it. Basically, SK2 doesn’t report back the
status for subsequent plugins.Your problem with the Simple Digest plugin sounds unrelated.
Thanks for the response Mark.
I guess I’ll remove the hacks for now, and wait and see if SK2 gets the necessary upgrade. I get almost no comments sent to moderation these days in any case.
Youve got a nice site. I really like it.
Great hack. Ill try it out on my site
Dude. Maybe you should take this down or post a notice that it breaks wordpress 2.0.x ?
I tried this, however it does not work. Working with the latest 2.2.1 wordpress. I am getting frustrated trying to get a solution to giving my readers a confirmation after the successfully post!
Good place to found many answers
Thanks to Oprah, Obama camp claims biggest crowd yet
does this work on WP 2.7? Stumbled.