This has been circulating on the internet as an e-mail, and I came across it via Ace Pryhill.
The Top Ten Reasons Why Gay Marriage is Wrong
- Homosexuality is not natural. Real people always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.
- Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.
- Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.
- Heterosexual marriage has been around a long time and hasn’t changed at all; women are still property, blacks still aren’t supposed to marry whites.
- Straight marriage will be less meaningful if homosexual marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Brittany Spears’ 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.
- Heterosexual marriages are valid because they produce children. Homosexual couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn’t be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren’t full yet, and the world needs more children.
- Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.
- Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That’s why we have only one religion in North America.
- Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That’s why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.
- Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven’t adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.
Internet Forward
I apluad what your doing! Some are funny but in some ways they do make great points. so to all the idiots who are flipping on the author listen up!
One:its a joke so get over it! two: he has made several good points! and we should always remember that since the earth was made gay people were condemned.
ex. make note of the fact that it was adam and EVE not adam and steve!
Wow, you’re a dumb fuck, aren’t you?
And to the religious – it’s not your place to judge, is it? So shut the hell up.
If God is so great, then why would he create gay people just to “send them to hell”, which, by the way, doesn’t happen if you ACTUALLY read the Bible, dipshits. I’m gay AND I go to church. I believe in God. Get over it. 🙂
True-story in origninal context the bible said man shall not have sex with a man in a WOMAN’s bed.
Men and women didn’t share beds and sexual realtions happened in her bed because she “wasn’t clean” due to the fact that she had a period.
The bible never said homeosexuality was wrong it said it had to be clean and untainted by happening in a woman’s bed.
Hey Republitards.
What part of ‘Love they neighbor’ does thou not understand? There are no strings or loopholes!
Mine true believers have an open mind, and cast no judgment.
I’m stunned at the venom that’s been spewed here. If these anti-gay zealots would just realize that – just as THEY didn’t choose to be straight – gay people aren’t choosing to be gay.
We reach a certain age, we develop feelings and some people are gay and most people are straight. That’s just the way it works and it’s NATURAL.
To the anti-gays: think critically about this. And think for YOURSELF. Did you really choose to be straight? Do you make a conscious decision to remain straight every single day? The argument you cling to – that gay people choose this – demands that you ALSO made a choice.
We have religious freedoms in this country not just to protect your beliefs. It’s also to protect US from your beliefs. Religion is absoultely the greatest stumbling block to our progress as a society.
And BTW. I’m straight.
wow, uhm, my mom is straight, and im gay. Does that say something!?
oh and most of these make NO SCENCE.
I think some people have to read this post again. if you look closely you will find this is a statement in favour of gay marriage. for example the second line
“2.Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.”
being around tall people cant and wont make you tall ! it is obviously a counter point to the first part of the statement, using humour to destroy the argument against gay marriage.
I would not be surprised if the original author was gay and wrote this to poke holes in the logic of these ten arguments against gay marriage.
A few important things for those of you who argue against due to religion:
See point 8.
Does the bible not say, “Love thy neighbor”?
And, unless I’m mistaken, God loves everyone and forgives all.
I’m not poking fun at your beliefs. I’m bordering between Atheist and Agnostic, myself. I just think you should leave people who are gay alone.
There’s nothing wrong with us. We just have one little trait – we’re attracted to the same sex.
Have you noticed that gay people don’t walk around saying “Being straight is wrong!”? Even after being insulted and tormented by thousands of straight people, we don’t turn around and snap back at you about your sexuality, do we?
That just goes to show who the decent human beings are.
Wow…nice argument…HAHAHAHAHAH LOLZ! That sounds kind of retarded. You forget the most important attribute (THIS GOES TO ALL OF YOU!): PROCREATION!!!!!!!!!! If one is gay, obviously they can’t ‘reproduce’! Therefore, for argument’s sake, you did say that being straight was bad as an “insult”, and everyone suddenly agreed with you and became gay. WE WOULD ALL DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay. I don’t agree with the homosexual lifestyle what so ever. But you are completely correct when you say that god said to love thy neighbor as thy self. And the way that the christians have been approaching this situation is completely wrong. I’m a christian and have been a christian my entire life and no where in the bible does it say judge gay people. No. I’m pretty sure god is the judge. we were made to love. not to hate. love the sinner. hate the sin. i’ve struggled with gay people because i didnt understand them but you know what? i don’t have to. God loves them so i must love them as well. Come on people. sometimes i think we as christians forget what christian stands for. Christ-like.
this is a joke. I mean, i could see how people could maker the mistake because some anti-gay people might say things like this but this is clearly a parody. I appreciate that you care about gay rights like me but it Is clearly a joke. also, he makes excellent points. I saw a video just like this. you know this kind of reminds me of Stephen Colbert.
None of those reasons are even relevant.
This is so dumb. All of these reasons are absolutly bizarre. first of all, Homosexuality can and will be normal. Whoever wrote this obviously can’t handle change. We’ve adapted to cars just fine, in fact, we’re so addapted that we couldn’t live without cars. What about wittoers and wittos? they are single parents and are accepted by everyone- single parents are no longer looked down upon because it’s something that is needed for a happy life sometimes. If you’re so worried about homosexual marriage that you have to bring Brittany Spears into on of the reasons that its wrong then you clearly need to get a life. I can gaurantee that two girls or two guys getting married will not effect your life. at all. Heterolsexual marrige has changed, a lot, actually. In what way does homosexuality open doors to crazy behavior?? Blacks aren’t supposed to marry whites? really? I don’t know about you but i see that happening ALL THE TIME! and to people frown upon it?? no, not at all. AND YOU KNOW WHAT!!! mixed babies are super cute! We’re adapting to new social norms day after day. And now that Obama is in the house America is going to succeed. Go Liberals. Legalize Gay Marriage! I don’t care what you think, whether you like or support gays or not, this whole list is a bunch of bull shit.
Megan… sweetie… This list is purely satirical. It’s making fun of the arguments people make against legalizing gay marriage. If you actually think about what the author of this article is saying, it’s pretty obvious that he/she is FOR legalizing gay marriage, not against it.
Okay the majority of the reasons here are just really stupid and pointless but i do strongly agree with the fact that gay marriage is wrong,it’s not natural..
Since other groups who have been discriminated against (such as women, blacks and the disabled) have been given equal opportunity, homosexuals claim that they, too, should be liberated. However, as one expert has said … “Gender, race and impairment all relate to what a person is, whereas homosexuality relates to what a person does.”
No harm?
Andrew Lansdown points out that ‘homosexual activity is notoriously disease-prone. In addition to diseases associated with heterosexual promiscuity, homosexual actions facilitate the transmission of anal herpes, hepatitis B, intestinal parasites, Kaposi’s Sarcoma and AIDS.’1 Research on the life expectancy of a group of homosexual men in Canada in the early 1990s indicated that they could expect 8-21 years less lifespan than other men.
“You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination” (Leviticus 18:22; see also Leviticus 20:13). (bible)
The Bible not only describes homosexual behavior as detestable, but it also calls for the punishment of those involved
“…Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortion ers will inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).
In every religeon homesexuality is completly wrong,christianity,islam,judaism..
And to the people that believe no matter what they do,God will just love and forgive everyone.. well its not really that simple,why’s he going to forgive you for doing something he clearly said is wrong..
Many homosexuals claim they were born that way, they can’t help being homosexual. The truth is that man has an urge for sexual gratification. As rationalizing (more than rational) beings, people will always try to find a justification for any activity which they find enjoyable. As to the claim by some homosexuals that it is genetic, this has been decisively disproven.
And those who don’t believe in God at all..Well to be honest i feel sorry for you,your just lost.Do you think the Earth and mankind just appeared out of the blue? Everything has a start,a middle and an end.
Kat… You really need to brush up on your knowledge of world religions. Fo serious. I’ll make it easy for you:
so, do you also not cut your hair? do you think that men shouldnt be allowed to shave? do you believe that you should stay confined to one room with no social contact one week a month???????????? because all of that is also in the book of Leviticus. you cant pick and choose. either follow all the rules, or none of them. but until then, you have absolutely no room to talk.
And to your end comment, organized religion is pushing pure souls away from The Divine, or God or whatever you want to call it. all organized religion is man made and therefore flawed. so, dont feel sorry for we who dont believe the way you do. havent you ever thought that maybe your way of thinking isnt the only way? ever think maybe youre wrong? or are you too proud to let your mind stretch that far?
kat, are you gay? didnt think so. so i honestly think you should shut your mouth. i completely agree woth dani.doll, you cant pick and choose from the bible. either go with the whole thing, or dont go with it. i believe in god, i believe there is a heaven and hell.. but i also believe the bible was written by a group of old boring men, not God himself. did he sit down with a pen and paper and write the bible? didnt think so. i was raised in a christian home, one of my grandfathers was a pastor, but i am also bisexual. did the bible say something about us? didnt think so. so i want you to know, i didnt choose this. do i want to be staright? no. i dont want to be someone like you. someone who thinks becuase they are straight they are better than me, or anyone else. question. do you think i would choose to be different so i could grow up being teased and treated differently? do you think i would choose to be judged by some ignorant person such as you?
i honestly hope you are happy with your life. i hope you happy living a life where you judge people. your bible says that too, dont judge. i dont judge you becuase youre a b!tch. so like i said i hope your happy with your life, becuase i sure am happy with mine:)
I’m 14 and of course first reading im like wtf? of course i went to the comments and seen it as a joke. I am for equal huamns. Meaning i don’t care who you are as long as you are human you diserve as many rigths as the next person to walka orund u.It just amazes me, as said, how close minied people are. I feel bad for anyone who agreed to ANY of thoose reasons meant as a joke. If you are saying ” omg yess i toatally agree” to the ten reasons posted look at what Baby Jesus posted and consider it then go and research ALL of the religons and look at the similarites to your religon what ever it may be. Now excuse me for my horrible typing
I agree with you Boredella, but please learn to spell or spend those few minutes to check your comment before submitting it.
I can’t express the way I feel about the battle of homosexuality without sounding like every other gay supporter that has left a comment.
I’m just tired of acting straight.
And I don’t want to be known as a “gay girl” in my school. Why does it matter?
To all the anti-gays: Let me live my life.
I think this person is being ironic!
People need to read the Bible, its clearly stated God is against homsexuality. It makes me mad when peole think they know what their talkin about. If you all will READ the Bible you would KNOW this is WRONG!!! thanks to whoever wrote this article 🙂
its leviticus u idiot, do u also think ppl who wear two different clothes in the same shirt should be put to death cuz ur bible thinks so
I think religion is wrong! Maybe we should start protesting how wrong religion is and how unnatural it is to live one’s life by a flippin book. “God” your so called mythical creator whose words most everyone lives by. Religion was created to control the masses, the world needed structure and rules, hence the bible. Doesn’t mean it’s fact and just because millions of people believe it doesn’t make it fact. Living a life by stupid preset rules written by some guy a long time ago is no way to live. People can’t think for themselves anymore. “what would god do?” Frig, start thinking for yourself. No one has any right to say what someone is is wrong and using some make believe book to say its fact-it is wrong. I don’t shoot off my mouth how ridiculous i think religion is and all my family is religious. I realize I’m contradicting myself now by doing it but geez, take ur know it all – mightier then thou – gays are wrong – god is good – it says in the bible…nonsense and shove it. But in the end I don’t blame anyone for there harsh words because its all in the hard wiring, you grow to think a certian way and there’s no point trying to change a religion corrupt mind. Unless your an accepting christian then good for you.
Oh, for God’s sake! Can you people not see this is a joke and is clearly IN FAVOUR of gay marriage?! Some people are such fecking idiots.
Yes this is obviously a joke
and to all the people against gay marraige who say god says it is wrong there are plenty of places pretty mush saying that it doesn’t matter who you are they should be accepted anyway
and last the bible was written by man, not god, the bible is man’s interpretation of what they “witnessed” thousand and thousands of years ago…
So I have just determined that it is impossible to do my school paper and speech because it is impossible to find opposing EVIDENCE that gays and lesbians shouldn’t have equal rights as heterosexuals. People like you make issues toady what they are. Also your comment against single parents is outrageous because my mom is a single parent and is doing a fabulous job.
what is this guys issue? 1: he cant even spell, second where he said “gay parents will raise gay children and straight parents will raise straight children”, my parents are straight, yet i am bisexual. this guy must be doing this as a total joke, really. how rediculas. sorry about my shitty spelling.
I am speechless reading this. Love is not something you can control. There should be no laws about love even in religions. No one has the right to say what is right, wrong or the best thing to do for anyone. We all are who we are and there is nothing wrong with it. So stop judging and trying to control people the way they should think and feel because I tell you that what people like you are doing is wrong.
Oh my God, people IT’S OBVIOUSLY A JOKE!!! This is a well known satirical joke circulating online. The makers of this are actually PRO-GAY MARRIAGE.
ok, “true vampire” *cough*, so, what you’re saying is love is only about sex???? ok, that makes a sh*t ton of sense. because american society hasnt been corrupted enough by people with that mindset. love is purely mental. you dont have to have sex to be in love. as many religious people would even say you have to wait until youre married. how are you supposed to fall in love if you dont have sex then??? oh, and what dont you get about the fact that our country is OVERPOPULATED???? every single couple in the world doesnt have to have a child. are you saying that if someone is sterile and cant have a child, they shouldnt be allowed to marry? who are you to decide?? and he didnt say that being straight was an insult, he said he’s been insulted by straight people. read before you type, dumb ass. oh, and we’re all going to die anyway. duh. people die. we’re not immortal. and no one is trying to convert anyone to being gay. we’re just saying that those who are, should be able to marry. keeping them from getting married isnt going to keep them from being gay, so whats the point in not letting them marry??? there isnt one.
oh, btw, im not straight or gay. i believe in love, and am currently in a “straight” relationship.
Why are there so many people that can’t seem to notice that this list is a parody of people that seem to scrounge up any reason they can to try to prove that gay marrage is wrong?
Firstly I’d like to say that the bloke who wrote this was obviously joking.
Secondly, there is nothing wrong with being gay, if it wasn’t natural then it wouldn’t happen.
Thirdly, religion is very outdated, i mean this is 2011 and people are still living their lives written on books written hundreds of years ago, and let’s face it the bible’s clearly fictional shit, maybe not Christianity but god didn’t personally whip out a typewriter did He? Maybe gay marriage is wrong because it was designed for man and woman in the eyes of the church, but my gay best friend doesn’t need a shitty bit of paper to tell him that he and his partner love each other… Oh yeh I’m straight from a homophobic christian family and i support gay rights so I’m hardly biased am I?