This post pertains to the alpha test period for this plugin which ran until June 9th. As of June 9th, this code has been officially released and listed in the WordPress plugin repository.
: Gets at spam before it can get to you by analysing “incoming requests to your server. If they match a profile of a known spambot, the spammer gets a nice error message instead of your blog.” Outstanding!Subscribe to comments 2.0: Looks like it’s coming along a treat… am having some glitches with installing the ‘subscribe to comments without making one’ option (which I want… very cool option) but am sure we’ll get that flattened out soon.
March 29th, 2005
Aside: Subscribe to Comments 2.0-alpha-2
WP: Subscribe to Comments 2.0-alpha-2 – Looks good, but I highly doubt anybody wi […]
[…] few bugs. Additionally, this allows me to use one of the best WordPress plugins available: Subscribe to Comments 2.0. This plugin is the pinnacle of plugin greatness. It is […]
de la barra lateral que permiten a los usuarios subscribirse a tu bitácora a través de servicios web como Bloglines o MyYahoo!. Subscribe to Comments : Basado en el plugin del mismo nombre de Scripty Goddess, este plugin permite a los usuarios subscribirse a los comentarios, recibiendo
disponible en la web del autor. Subcribe me: Añade una serie de botones al final de la barra lateral que permiten a los usuarios subscribirse a tu bitácora a través de servicios web como Bloglines o MyYahoo!.Subscribe to Comments: Basado en el plugin del mismo nombre de Scripty Goddess, este plugin permite a los usuarios subscribirse a los comentarios, recibiendo un correo electrónico cuando se añada un nuevo comentario a
A subscribe to comments plugin for WP is here:
[…] lugin Written on May 23rd in General A subscribe to comments plugin for WP is here: […]
A subscribe to comments plugin for WP is here:
A subscribe to comments plugin for WP is here:
[…] a more enjoyable (and faster loading) reading experience. Last but not least, I added the Subscribe to Comments plugin from Tempus Fugit. You should notic […]
s now available everywhere. WordPress 1.5.1 and Subscribe to Comments 2.0 I’ve upgraded to the latest WordPress which fixes a few bugs. Additionally, this allows me to use one of the best WordPress plugins available:Subscribe to Comments 2.0. This plugin is the pinnacle of plugin greatness. It is easy to use, and it works better than any charm. Expect to see a “Subscribe without Commenting” feature on this page as well, when time allows for it.
I’ve installed a couple of cool plugins for WordPress on my site: The Subscribe to Comments plugin lets you do exactly that: subscribe to new comments on specific posts. It’s not enabled by default … you have to opt-in at the moment. Please try it out, and then
I’ve installed a couple of cool plugins for WordPress on my site: TheSubscribe to Comments plugin lets you do exactly that: subscribe to new comments on specific posts. It’s not enabled by default … you have to opt-in at the moment. Please try it out, and then let me know if you find the notifications so helpful that you would rather see
[…] ed I’ve installed a couple of cool plugins for WordPress on my site: The Subscribe to Comments plugin lets you do exactly that: subscribe to new comments […]
Gah. That capcha wasn’t working very well (or at all) so I’ve instituted a different spamchecker, Spam Karma 2 which also involved a patch for a WordPress bug. I also tried to installSubscribe To Comments 2 but it doesn’t play nice with PHP4.12 I guess. As I write this, Dogtato has just been expelled into the backyard by Shane for peeing inside. (I call him Dogtato, Shane’s named him Capone, and his pedegree name is Sonny Bill. Other people have much
[…] en trabas de entrada. Para quienes quieran implementar esto en sus blogs bajo WordPress: Subscribe to Comments WordPress Plugin.
Archivado en: Este sitio[…]
[…] I’m going to shut down comments on this thread now in the hopes that it will minimize confusion. Mark has taken on development of this plugin here. Once that version is officially released, support for this (older version) plugin will be minimal. […]
[…] You might want to check out , which allows readers to subscribe without actually posting a comment. 29 Paul “TBBle” Hampson Says: April 13th, 2005 at 10:26 pm […]
[…] Leute, der Tipp schlechthin: Surft zu Tempus fugit und testet das Plugin “Subscribe to comments“! Soeben wurde die Alpha-Version veröffentlicht. Wer wissen will, warum so viele sehnsüchtig darauf warten, sollte sich die Diskussion hier ansehen… Ich hab’s noch nicht installiert, passiert aber im Laufe des Tages. […]
[…] Also, Michael, I have an alpha-4 version of Subscribe to Comments 2.0 available here. There are bugfixes, as well as the ability to configure it all from within WordPress, so you don’t need to actually edit the plugin file itself. […]
[…] ç¾在是用新皔žÃ§”°Ë†Ã¦Å“¬ Subscribe To Comments 2.0 alpha 5 […]
[…] Thanks, I’ll add that code at some point. Right now I’ll hold back, because it would mean hacking the Subscribe To Comments plugin further (it’s actually the plugin that generates the text field). Maybe instead you should forward this suggestion to the author of the plugin? Posted on May 25th, 2005, 12:58 […]
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[…] Subscribe to Comments: Basado en el plugin del mismo nombre de Scripty Goddess, este plugin permite a los usuarios subscribirse a los comentarios, recibiendo un correo electrónico cuando se añada un nuevo comentario a ese hilo. […]
[…] I’ll say ‘me too’ to this one, with the new (updated) url: Forum: Rules/Search WordPress Codex; Smarty Tags Docs […]
[…] ceo Member I wasn’t aware that Dodo’s threaded comments sent out comment notifications. I believe you’d need to install something like WP Subscribe to Comments. Posted: 2005-04-23 15:07:05 # […]
[…] WordPress 1.5.1 and Subscribe to Comments 2.0 I’ve upgraded to the latest WordPress which fixes a few bugs. Additionally, this allows me to use one of the best WordPress plugins available: Subscribe to Comments 2.0. This plugin is the pinnacle of plugin greatness. It is easy to use, and it works better than any charm. Expect to see a “Subscribe without Commenting” feature on this page as well, when time allows for it. […]
[…] Today I added Subscribe to Comments plugin. I’m quite sure quite nobody’s subscribed to the comments rss 2.0 feed, but sometimes would like to know of the follow up messages of a comment made on one of my posts. […]
Having put up a fair whack of content on some sites (100 plus pages on the conference site the more help in this area the better I reckon! subscribe to comments 2.0 for the comment options here if anyone’s interested: Madolyn Says: June 11th, 2005 at 7:24 pm I’m some kind of Luddite, I know, but WordPress can’t actually do everything for me. I love it a lot, but not all of my content is capable of being
Having put up a fair whack of content on some sites (100 plus pages on the conference site the more help in this area the better I reckon! subscribe to comments 2.0 for the comment options here if anyone’s interested: Madolyn Says: June 11th, 2005 at 7:24 pm I’m some kind of Luddite, I know, but WordPress can’t actually do everything for me. I love it a lot, but not all of my content is capable of being
[…] Subscribe to Comments: Basado en el plugin del mismo nombre de Scripty Goddess, este plugin permite a los usuarios subscribirse a los comentarios, recibiendo un correo electrónico cuando se añada un nuevo comentario a ese hilo. […]
[…] Subscribe to Comments: Basado en el plugin del mismo nombre de Scripty Goddess, este plugin permite a los usuarios subscribirse a los comentarios, recibiendo un correo electrónico cuando se añada un nuevo comentario a ese hilo. […]
[…] Suscribe to Comments, realmente util. […]
, en el que nos pone en la situación de que WordPress únicamente permitiera incorporar 5 plugins en el panel de plugins y que tuvieramos que pensar muy detenidamente cuales usar. Aqui van los mios. Suscribe to Comments, realmente util. Theme Switcher, poder desarrollar un nuevo theme sin molestar a tus usuarios o permitir que ellos eligan el que más les guste. WP-Cache, es importante cuidar el procesador del server.
[…] Subscribe to Comments: Basado en el plugin del mismo nombre de Scripty Goddess, este plugin permite a los usuarios subscribirse a los comentarios, recibiendo un correo electrónico cuando se añada un nuevo comentario a ese hilo. […]
, and while reading that particular post, I traveled over to the ScriptyGoddess plugin page. If I hadn’t scrolled down to the bottom of the comments, I wouldn’t have known that there is an updated version of this plugin, so I rambled over to first this link, and then from there to the official place to get the newest version of the plugin. So that’s the route I took this morning on my way to enabling a cool new feature for you here on SEO Scoop. Links are the backbone of the internet, and we should
, and while reading that particular post, I traveled over to the ScriptyGoddess plugin page. If I hadn’t scrolled down to the bottom of the comments, I wouldn’t have known that there is an updated version of this plugin, so I rambled over to first this link, and then from there to the official place to get the newest version of the plugin. So that’s the route I took this morning on my way to enabling a cool new feature for you here on SEO Scoop. Links are the backbone of the internet, and we should
, and while reading that particular post, I traveled over to the ScriptyGoddess plugin page. If I hadn’t scrolled down to the bottom of the comments, I wouldn’t have known that there is an updated version of this plugin, so I rambled over to first this link, and then from there to the official place to get the newest version of the plugin. So that’s the route I took this morning on my way to enabling a cool new feature for you here on SEO Scoop. Links are the backbone of the internet, and we should
[…] Subscribe to Comments: Basado en el plugin del mismo nombre de Scripty Goddess, este plugin permite a los usuarios subscribirse a los comentarios, recibiendo un correo electrónico cuando se añada un nuevo comentario a ese hilo. […]
[…] Subscribe to Comments: Basado en el plugin del mismo nombre de Scripty Goddess, este plugin permite a los usuarios subscribirse a los comentarios, recibiendo un correo electrónico cuando se añada un nuevo comentario a ese hilo. […]
[…] Subscribe to Comments: Basado en el plugin del mismo nombre de Scripty Goddess, este plugin permite a los usuarios subscribirse a los comentarios, recibiendo un correo electrónico cuando se añada un nuevo comentario a ese hilo. […]
[…] Subscribe to Comments: Basado en el plugin del mismo nombre de Scripty Goddess, este plugin permite a los usuarios subscribirse a los comentarios, recibiendo un correo electrónico cuando se añada un nuevo comentario a ese hilo. […]
[…] Subscribe to Comments: Basado en el plugin del mismo nombre de Scripty Goddess, este plugin permite a los usuarios subscribirse a los comentarios, recibiendo un correo electrónico cuando se añada un nuevo comentario a ese hilo. […]
[…] Subscribe to Comments: Basado en el plugin del mismo nombre de Scripty Goddess, este plugin permite a los usuarios subscribirse a los comentarios, recibiendo un correo electrónico cuando se añada un nuevo comentario a ese hilo. […]
[…] Subscribe to Comments: Basado en el plugin del mismo nombre de Scripty Goddess, este plugin permite a los usuarios subscribirse a los comentarios, recibiendo un correo electrónico cuando se añada un nuevo comentario a ese hilo. […]
I am having the same problem that Ken was having. We are both using the Blix theme so its comments.php is the most likely culprit. Ken has since changed his comments.php to that of another them.
Any idea how I could fix the Blix theme?
I’ve just installed this on the new WP 1.5.1. I’m using popup comments, and the check box doesn’t show up on my popup comments. If I click on the permalink and look at the comment section at the bottom the checkbox is there, so it must have something to do with popup comments. Is this a known problem or is there something wrong with my setup? Thanks!
Nevermind, I fixed it by adding the code manually. Thanks.
Is there some reason it says it is 2.0-alpha-4 in plugins and it says version 1.0 in the php file?
Any ETA for the final release now that WP1.5.1 is out??
Uncooperative, it shouldn’t say version 1.0 anywhere… I mean, the e-mails are sent with MIME 1.0 and the XHTML is 1.0 Transitional, but that’s all the 1.0s I can think of.
Amit, I’m extremely busy at the moment with school and working, but I’d like to have a final version out in a week or two. Someone complained about saving options with quotes, but I couldn’t duplicate it. It might be a WP 1.0 problem… I don’t know. I’ll look into that. I think for 2.0 I’m basically feature complete. I’ve had requests for additional features, and they are good ideas, but I think I’ll reserve them for a future 2.x release.
My mistake line 4 says
Version: 2.0-alpha-4
But the zip file says it is version 5
I guess you just forgot to change it?
Hey Mark,
Do you have any idea what CSS I need to change so that the text does not wrap and the submit button is properly aligned? The problem seems to be common to the Blix 1.5 them. An example of this is here:
WP 1.5.1 is out, and i’m eager to get my hands on the finnal release pot file for your plugin!
Great plugin. I was using the old version when I came across your new build. I’ve installed it and it seems to be working great.
One question: is there a way to edit the fields that the email notification shows? The default is the site and admin email address – I’d like to keep that email address private.
Tylerwillis, those are both configurable from Options»Subscribe to Comments
I discovered that right before checking back here. Guess I should look around more. 🙂
Thanks for the plugin!
Great plugin! I just installed the previous version (1.5) on WP 1.5.1.
Are there problems if I keep it or have i to install this new version?
Hey Mark,
I got two files here, alpha-6 (downloaded a while ago) and the one i just downloaded, alpha-5. (!!!)
Which one is current? Is alpha-6 deprecated and you went back to alpha-5?
Eduardo, there shouldn’t be an alpha-6 (that’s really strange). Alpha-5 is the latest version. I have no idea how you got an alpha-6… I never released an alpha-6.
You are right: the zip file i had was called alpha-6, but the file inside, once unzipped, is alpha-4.
p.s. Is a POT file comming out soon?
Hi, I’ve just installed this plugin and it seems to work really well, but can anyone help me with this question? I’m allowing users to subscribe without leaving a comment, however they must be logged in – how can I automatically use their registered email address for the subscription without getting them to type it in? Sounds like it should be simple but I’m really new to WP and php so it’s totally beyond me at the moment! Thanks.
Sarah, that’s an excellent idea. I’ll work that into the final 2.0 release.
If You like to have it translated into german, I would do it 🙂
forget what i said.
Didnt know you did such a great option-tab.
Hi Mark…I want to say I really appreciate your work. I’ve found a few other posts here to be very helpful to me for my journal.
Here’s my problem…I’m working on a friend’s site, and I’m having trouble getting comment emails sent. He only has one account for the blog, his own. I left a comment with my email address, and had the checkbox set for me to be subscribed. I then left two comments as him (in another browser), and did not get any emails. He got three from WordPress, though (as expected).
I then was able to login to the Subscription Manager when logged in as him, but not as me (it told me “You may not access this page without a valid key.”). When I logged in as him and viewed the subscriptions for my email address, it says I have none.
I 755’ed both files, then 777’ed them after that. I’m not sure what’s going wrong here, or where to look for any other errors. Could you please help?
The site is:
Thank you! 🙂
The problem is that the subscribe to comments call has been placed outside of the comment form. It needs to be after the opening
and before the closing</form>
Thank you! It works now…heh, you might have gotten some emails too.
I remembered why I moved it out of the form, though. For some reason, it makes the text go straight down and messes up the box.
Any idea if there’s a way around that? Can I make it go outside the box somehow, or align the text correctly?
High there.
Very nice plugins indeed. Also there are still some work to be done for i18n conformance. Any reason the sprintf are not using __() ?
Another one about i18n : input[type=submit] and input[type=button] should have a value that embbeded in translation function as well.
Can’t wait for the final release. Thank you for your hard work on this.
Love the way this plugin has turned out. Upgraded to alpha 5 just today as I hadn’t realized that newer versions were released :O
Love the way it is integrated with the theme.
Just one question, with sidebar enabled as well, does it display correctly on your theme? As mine was really messing up! I now use only header and footer.
It doesn’t on mione either. It is likely, like me, you don’t use sidebar.php. I use left and right column. I just removed it and the footer as well.
Alright, I’m moving the plugin to its own page, here. 2.0-beta-1 has been released. Note that this is very stable code… people have been running the alpha versions for months. It is only “beta” to reflect that fact that I’m planning on taking care of any remaining small issues in the next few days, so go download the new version and file those bug reports here!