Forty-one commits later and after lots of testing, version 0.7.0 of the Kramer plugin is ready for release!
Kramer is a unique WordPress plugin that serves to fill in the gaps left by Pingback and Trackback, using the Technorati service and (new in version 0.7.0) its own built-in referrer analyzer to auto-generate special Technorati Pingbacks and Kramer Pingbacks.
What does that mean? Well, a site doesn’t need to be Pingback enabled in order to notify you that they linked you. All they have to do is create the link, and one of two things will likely happen. Either Technorati will find the link, and notify Kramer, or someone will follow the link on their site, and Kramer will notice it, and log it… after verifying the link, of course! No need to worry about referrer spam showing up in your entries, as Kramer uses WordPress’ built-in Pingback verification to ensure that the referrer is actually a proper link. Whichever way, a Pingback will be created for the entry, and you will be notified. The Technorati pingbacks will be designated with the little Technorati bubble, and the Kramer auto ref pingbacks will be designated with a jazzy Kramer “K” logo, so as to differentiate them from regular Pingbacks.
Go download it already!
Thanks Mark. There’s a slight problem though, the download link seems to still be producing 0.6.2.
Thanks! Fixed. I gotta have Matt fix that… it’s supposed to be auto generating zips, but it often doesn’t work.
Hmm. Weird. I activated this plugin, but it doesn’t show up under options?
It also adds this to the bottom of all my articles for some reason.
_kramer_synch: 1126003386
I’ve had to deactivate it for now. Oh well, I tried
It’s supposed to add that post meta field. That’s how it knows the last time it queried Technorati for that post.
Don’t know why it wasn’t showing up in your options…
Hmm.. Probably a theme issue. I think I’ve got another plugin messing with it, too.
I had to go into phpmyadmin to delete all the postmeta entries that were showing up. Strange. I’ll tinker some more this evening and see what I can come up with. Really like this, though. Good work.
Good stuff Mark, seems Kramer has taken off in leaps and bounds! I am hoping to jump back into the dev once I get a lot of my other commitments out of the way. Cheers.
When activating the plugin in the latest 1.6 I got a PHP error, something about a member function but of course I didn’t copy and paste the error or something, the line the error was being thrown at was:
$rewrite = $wp_rewrite->wp_rewrite_rules();
I searched $wp_rewrite on trac and came across a similar issue so I added an if block before that line as below:
if (! isset($wp_rewrite)) {
$wp_rewrite = new WP_Rewrite();
Then the activation worked and the plugin is happily functioning in my sidebar, now whether that if block fixed it or it just needed a reload, who knows but I thought I’d let you know.
Hopefully the plugin treats me more kindly than Technorati does. 🙂
Mark: This might be a personal preference thing, but I’d like to see Kramer-found stuff come into my moderation queue for me to release or trash. I find that people checking their referral logs—sans pass-protection—tend to show up as reverse links, which isn’t really legit, but it’s hard for Kramer to determine it.
I guess that, in short, I’d like to be able to review what Kramer finds and approve it.
Great idea! It’ll be in the next version.