Do you know what really annoys me? People who speed their way through teacher/instructor evaluation forms. These people lose forever the privilege of complaining about a teacher. People don’t realize how much these forms effect change. If a teacher gets an average rating of “below average,” the higher-ups are going to take notice. And no teacher is perfect… so even if you love your teacher, don’t just “excellent, excellent, excellent” your way through it and call it a day. They really cherish constructive criticism written on the back. You might think “well what good is it going to do me? I’m already done with the course!”… but it’s that same attitude last semester that caused the teacher’s problems to go unnoted and hence become your problem this semester. The only thing worse than a bad teacher is a bad teacher who doesn’t realize there is a problem. And the only thing better than a good teacher is a good teacher who wants to improve even more. It’s 5 minutes of your time. Suck it up.