A drunk woman who was driving (and talking on her cell phone to boot) swerved onto the wrong side of the road and killed a teacher, and put his pregnant wife into a coma back in June 2002.
Jennifer Langston pleaded guilty to vehicular homicide, reckless endangerment, and reckless driving. She was sentenced to a month in jail, house arrest, probation, and was ordered to carry a picture of Glenn Clark, the man she killed, for five years. His parents provided Ms. Langston with a picture of their deceased son. Let me run that by you again: they provided her with a picture of their deceased son, in his coffin.
Langston’s attorney said that the “spirit of the agreement” was for them to provide a picture of Mr. Clark that was taken while he was still alive.
The judge’s decision on this matter is still pending.
I say that the “spirit of the agreement” was to never let Ms. Langston forget what she did, and the picture of her victim in his casket absolutely does that.