Winamp is like a girlfriend you had in high school who broke your heart. Only now, she’s back, and as much as you can’t forget the past, you really can’t help but notice how much she’s grown up since then.
I am of course talking about Winamp 2 (high school girlfriend), Winamp 3 (when she broke your heart), and Winamp 5 (she’s back, and much improved!).
Winamp 5 sort of slipped under my radar. After the Saturday night puke fest that was Winamp 3 (it was buggy and slow), I had sort of resigned myself to the fact that if I was going to listen to music on my computer, it’d have to be through Winamp 2 or Windows Media Player 9.
If Winamp broke your heart with version 3, I strongly urge you to give version 5 a try. It has all the best features of Winamp 2 (relatively small memory/CPU footprint, great audio quality) and adds all the nice Music Library functions of Windows Media Player 9 (even better, because of how fast it is!)