It is time for a redesign.
I started with a two column layout (static width sidebar, flexible content). Then I moved to two static sidebars and flexible content in the middle. It nearly killed me, getting it to work. And now, it has all gotten way too cluttered. I’m going back to one sidebar, and I’m going to do it so that the content and the sidebar both have static widths. See or A List Apart to get the general idea of what I’m working on.
The sideblog is going away, and will likely be replaced by a link blog (in the content section, probably). My monthly archive is going into a dropdown SuckerFish-esque menu, but will be backwards compatable for you contemptable morons using such browsers as Netscape 4.
ETA: 1 week.
morgs says
Can’t wait to see what this is: dropdown SuckerFish-esque menu
Mark says
Simple. A dropdown SuckerFish-esque menu is a combina shedenkitp ofrenangth angondwagb offrprerme rtefucerla iocheathed beetlaioft thinadiste ringcetitr eattnngtse…%@$$$
Heh heh heh. 🙂
morgs says
Dude that didn’t help! 🙂
By the way I also love the Welcome back feature. Is that a feature built into WordPress or did you do that beauty yourself?
Mark says
Well, WordPress saves a cookie with your info by default, so that’s nothing new. I just decided to do something different with the info. The idea wasn’t mine, but the implementation was.
Dunstan from came up with the idea of reordering comment forms when a cookie was saved. Why have to scroll past your name and e-mail address when it’s already been saved?
Oh, but the ability to delete your cookie is my code, as is the “Do not save my info” checkbox. See my guest post at ScriptyGoddess for more info.
morgs says
Thanks buddy,
I am going to look at implementing this on
I am guessing that it will work with Movable Type?
Mark says
Sure… but it’ll require some PHP trickery.
morgs says
Well now, that may be where I come undone, but I would love to have a go. I know a bit more php now and have some books.