With little fanfare (so far), WordPress 1.5 has been released. Before you upgrade, please read these excellent upgrade instructions (they are multi-lingual too).
There are good reasons for all the steps in that tutorial, and while not all are necessary all the time, if you follow the instructions, nothing bad will happen. It’s not a hard upgrade, but that doesn’t mean you can be careless and just drop the new files in there. After all, you no doubt have modified many files in order to customize things to your liking. The good news is that the structural changes (such as putting your customized files into a “theme”) will make the next upgrade easy as pie. I upgraded my site to 1.3 and then 1.5, so lately, I’ve been able to upgrade to the latest nightly version just by dropping the new files in. So make sure you make the necessary changes… it’ll really make life easier.
Update: Make sure you run the upgrade script! I forgot to, and my site was broken for some Internet Explorer tools –I mean… users.
What if you’re upgrading from WP 1.5-gamma to this version? Any tips or words of advice?
What an easy upgrade. I actually did it by myself.
Well maybe it wasn’t so easy. All of my customization got overwritten. Which files should be replaced again with the new version?
You probably forgot to add the WP Theme definition to the index.php in your main / directory. Open up the WP index.php file and copy that PHP define into your index.php file in your site root.
I noticed you were having problems earlier. I’m back to using IE while my laptop is out. The girlfriend won’t let me put Firefox on her system.
I’ve made all the arguments, but she’s stubborn. I’ve even pointed out that my “tech guy” Mark recommends Firefox. To which she responded, “What, that doofus who deleted half of your blog? Yeah, I’m going to listen to him.”
There are times my friends, when its that time of the month, that I wish I she’d hit menopause already.
The problem I had earlier was IE-specific. I forgot to run the WordPress upgrade script, and a new option that only affects IE wasn’t added. I wouldn’t have known if my girlfriend hadn’t told me about it (she let me install Firefox, but she still won’t use it).
I should have come to this site earlier.
I encountered the IE download problem after my installation, and struggled to find a solution. Took me awhile, but I found it eventually at WordPress support forum.
I did not know that I had to run upgrade script even if it was a fresh installation.