This has been circulating on the internet as an e-mail, and I came across it via Ace Pryhill.
The Top Ten Reasons Why Gay Marriage is Wrong
- Homosexuality is not natural. Real people always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.
- Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.
- Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.
- Heterosexual marriage has been around a long time and hasn’t changed at all; women are still property, blacks still aren’t supposed to marry whites.
- Straight marriage will be less meaningful if homosexual marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Brittany Spears’ 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.
- Heterosexual marriages are valid because they produce children. Homosexual couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn’t be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren’t full yet, and the world needs more children.
- Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.
- Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That’s why we have only one religion in North America.
- Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That’s why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.
- Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven’t adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.
Internet Forward
Indeed. For the record, dear, it’s called a prostate gland, and don’t knock it until you’ve, er, well, knocked it, as it were.
Huh? Are you talking to me? I thought fags were supposed to be clever. By the way, dear, you’re a friendless creep, you’re dying inside from your shameful lifestyle, and your breath smells of feces. Brush your teeth, faggot.
This list is disgraceful. Illogical, non-funny drivel. “Hilarious!”– If you have said or thought this you are retarded. Funny? No. The reason being is that, ‘funny things’ require a shred of truth; this list does not. If you think it does, you are using it to justify your bullshit and twisted life, also, you smell like poop.
Kyle, dearheart, how is it you can still talk with both feet in your mouth?
First, homosexuals abhor being refered to as ‘queer.’ Queer is, in fact, an insult most often used by homophobic assholes such as yourself who have to resort to name-calling to make an argument.
Second, all this mud-slinging of yours does nothing to further your already nearly non-existent point. All it really does is make you look like a playground bully trying to pick a fight to validate your existence and prove to yourself that because you can punch harder than me, you are automatically better.
Third, I am not gay. I am a perfectly normal 18-year-old girl. The fact that I happen to be open-minded and don’t think that everyone else on the planet should be identical to me does not make me queer, a faggot douchebag, or a turd, nor does it make me smell like poop, as you so eloquently put it.
And please, don’t even get me started on your appalling grammar, punctuation, spelling, and typing skills. Just thinking about it makes me want to heave my breakfast.
Oh, and if you reply to this post with the same intelligence level you’ve exibited so far, prepare to be mocked.
As I’ve said so many times before in the above Comments, I love you, Beki… :p
Yes, I am talking to you, honey, and I do believe the third sentence in your comment is the pinnacle of irony distilled.
You know nothing of who I am, what I do, how I live my life, or with whom I choose to spend the hours of the day when I am not working. My sexuality is but one tiny facet of my personality, and my life, unlike some, does not revolve around it. I am not a ‘friendless creep’, as you put it. I live with one of my best friends, a lesbian called Kat, I am five minutes walk from my other best friend, Elizabeth, and there are about 50 people around this city with whom I hold the kind of friendship that most people would consider “best friend”.
I am not dying inside from my shameful lifestyle. Sorry, you’re going to have to try harder than that.
Also, why does my breath smell like excrement? I clean my teeth twice a day, I use listerine, and I don’t rim because it is, quite frankly, foul. If anything, my breath is minty fresh.
This comment proves that you don’t understand the concept of irony. May I venture as to ask if you live in the central states of the USA? Such people which lack that understanding usually inhabit there.
You blatantly do not understand the concept of humour, and I would be very grateful if you could be so kind as to stop pretending, both to us and yourself, that you do.
god hates noone you reatrds, he just disapporves of homosexuality, but jesus taught us that god loves everyone despite their differences, i love evry1 i just think the verb of homosexuality is wrong. God even loves you hairy german ugly lesbains
Who are you to speak for God in all His holiness? The Bible is not the word of God, it is written by men, maintained by men, and edited by men. This means that men put their own spin on the contents held within it. This is equally true for the Torah, Qu’ran and every other religious text ever written. They are not the unchallenged and unchanged word of their respective deities, they are the creations of man. No human can ever claim to speak for their God based off of the contents of a book written by other men.
bullshit! People documented the word of god, god helped people write the bible and the bible is a documentation of jesus’ life, he who spread the word of god.
Tell me, Harry: in which language was the Bible written?
Can this debate even exist without pointless trash-talking and screaming insults? Some of these “arguments”, and I use the term loosely, are kinda silly when you think about it. “You’re going to die from your shameful lifestyle.” Well, speaking from a purely sexual standpoint, homosexual intercourse isn’t really any more harmful for you than heterosexual intercourse, I believe. People claim that you get AIDS more frequently from homosexual sex. True, but you can get it from heterosexual intercourse too, and while I could very easily be wrong, I haven’t heard of people getting herpes or other STDs from homosexual intercourse. Of course, the other STDs are not as deadly as AIDS, but they can kill if not treated properly. Aside from the sexual part, a homosexual lifestyle is, I believe, not any different from a heterosexual one. Not being gay, I can’t say for sure, but I’m fairly certain they go to work, have friends, go to bars, and do all the same things straight people do, so if that part of their lifestyle kills, then it’s killing you too, Kyle. You can be heterosexual and live a much more “shameful lifestyle” than a homosexual person. How can you define a person and all the potential good things they might do based solely on their sexual preference? If a gay man or woman saved your life, would they still be a horrible person who would go to hell? If asked to define myself, I say “writer”, or “student”, not “heterosexual”. I have yet to talk to a gay person and have them define themselves by their sexuality.
Camille, it’s a f***ing joke!
Dear lord, is the world dominated by morons or am I just unlucky enough to meet them all?!
#102 Comment by Veratien
…this comment officially made my day.
And Amanda, I must congratulate you. In the end, it wasn’t the church, society, my friends, or my parents, or myself that brought me closest to being ashamed of being bisexual; it was another bisexual.
Jesus Christ, how hard can it be to recognize a piece of satire? Makes me glad I am not an American… God, can one of you British people please let me come over to your country? Please? I don’t wanna be in this country anymore after reading this. I think I wanna go back to Peru, even.
But on the subject, I have just one thing to ask anybody against same sex marriage:
Don’t you think its wrong a drunk couple in Vegas can get married in 5 minutes, but a couple of life long partners can’t do so?
i dont care if gays get married, i just dont need to hear about it. or read about it. or watch it on tv.
Dustin — no one is forcing you to read or watch TV.
And -I- don’t care if straights get married. I’m just sick of hearing about it, reading about it, and seeing it on TV. give me a break, why do i have to have your heterosexuality shoved down my throat all the time?
[roll eyes] … in jest, i assure you. sometimes i feel like everyone makes too big a deal of the whole gay-marriage thing, and even -I- feel like it being shoved down my throat. But then you have think, gay’s have been denied decent exposure for generations
Male animals hump each other all the time in nature. Many animals choose lifetime homosexual partners.
er they do that to show off to the females that they are good at “humping”. Animals that do “choose homosexual partners” often have a hetrosexual partner as well. Also why would you want to try and work otu who is right via an animals behavious when they are greatly inferior to us. If aniamls could talk or one day the possibilty of aliens meet us and we cna communicate do you thikn it is permitted for us to marry other species? and if we can marry certain species why not cats and dogs? Why shouldnt borhters and sisters be allowed to be married if homos are?
“Why shouldnt borhters and sisters be allowed to be married if homos are?”
… conversly, why should biggots be allowed to marry when homos arnt?
Those who ask why gays should be given the right to marry ask the wrong question and betray a misunderstanding of the US Constitution. I’d refer you to Amendment X. Specifically:
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
The right of gays to marry cannot be given, it can only be taken away…IF the US Constitution were to be followed. The Tenth Amendment delineates that the the Federal government, and State governments, DO have the authority to keep gays from marrying. They DO NOT have the authority to allow them to marry. That is guaranteed by the third predicate of the Amendment “or to the people.” You, my fellow Americans, have the right to do anything you want so long as there is no law prohibiting it. Many governmental entities get around this by passing so called “nuisance laws”, sometimes “blue laws”, etc… that are very general in nature. It allows them to categorize behavior based on community “perception” of those behaviors rather than on the actual detriment they might inflict on the community.
It should also be noted that the courts have historically required a high degree of “detriment to the community” in order to find such laws constitutional. The exact phrasing can differ but they almost all use the term “compelling” as in “the state must prove a compelling interest in keeping gays from marrying”. Sadly, the recent Washington State case proved the flaw in this reasoning. Justices need only find, apparently, that not being able to procreate is compelling enough harm to the community that gays should not be allowed to marry. It’s a strange argument to say the least.
Harry, you’re demonstrating a complete lack of understanding in the reasons why animals form homosexual relationships. They are just like us, and we are just like them – the only difference is that we have a higher state of awareness and understanding.
There is an entire species of bisexual chimpanzee called the Bonobo, which has many homosexual partnerships within it amongst both sexes. There are hundreds of documented cases of gay lifetime partnerships between swans, penguins, deer, sheep, any animal with a cock is capable of it, and any man who states categorically that he has never entertained the thought of having some kind of non-platonic relationship with another man is a liar; we all do it, even if it’s only for a moment.
Harry, Harry, Harry…. The use of homosexual animals in this argument is in response to the OMFGURAFAGCAUSEGAYNESSISEVIL!!! platform. It has been proven, insomuch as so intangible a point can be proven, that animals are incapable of evil. So, if a swan, who is incapable of evil, sin, or wrongdoing, can take himself a homosexual mate, how can homosexuality in and of itself be wrong? If your God thinks it’s okay for guy swans to get it on with guy swans, why should He cringe at the thought of humans doing the same? That’s all I want to know.
You are so lucky I’m too lazy to get up on my hobby horse today.
To be honest animals arent really worth much except for food etc as they are incredibly inferior to humans. I dont see why God would care about the animals because they arent worth caring about especially in contrast to the amount of human beings. You say animals can do no evil? What about when dogs savagly attack innocent children, or when sharks and other animals kill lots of people. People are better than animals and soudnt be using them as examples. I wonder, if gene therapy comes through we can actually get rid of the disease that is the gay gene, although i am sceptical such a gene exists
The Bible contains 6 admonishments to homosexuals and 362 to heterosexuals. This doesn’t mean that God doesn’t love heterosexuals, it’s just that they need more supervision.
–Lynn Lavner
Harry, every animal has an advantage that was designed to help them survive. Hawks can fly, tigers have claws/fangs, etc. Humans have… nothing. Nothing except intelligence. We are not fast, we are not strong, we are not deadly, not in the physical sense. Intelligence is our advantage.. why does that make us better than animals? Well, to be fair, we have opposible(sp?) thumbs as well. Animals are only “evil” because of their desire to survive, and because of what we do to them, in the way of mistreatment. Evil indeed.
I’m getting off-track though. We all have our beliefs, but we really don’t have the right to deny fellow humans the chance at happiness. Law and Bible be damned.. the Bible was written by humans, not God. There is no subjective justice, only objective, so you can’t claim “homosexuality is wrong”.. that is your opinion, not verifiable fact.
Animals doesn’t kill other animals for the sheer savage joy of it. Humans do. Animals don’t go out of their way to mistreat and abuse other members of their species. Humans do. Animals don’t knowingly pollute and destroy their environment just to make themselves more comfortable. Humans do. Who’s superior to whom, here? Given a choice, I’d rather come back as a duck. Being human makes me ashamed.
As for dogs attacking innocent kids…. my guess is, the poor mutt was mistreated by humans, or else poisoned by humans. Not the dog’s fault. And sharks only kill the idiots without the common sense to realize that the ocean is the sharks’ domain, and sharks their like to eat silly little things that wiggle around in the water. JAWS is an over-dramatization.
I’m at the library and about to run out of time, but I’ll be back in just a few minutes. Quake in ph34r.
Continuing with my point- animals make humans look that the most evil breed of 3v|ln3ss ever to infest any planet of any star. Aside from the reasons I listed ten minutes ago, animals aren’t wasteful, they aren’t lazy, they don’t get drunk and beat their mates bloody, they don’t litter, they don’t go back to where they used to work and kill the unfortunate chimp that got their job. Humans do all those things, and the rest of us just shrug and say, “Well, that’s that.”
Those that view animals a dinner on feet and nothing more fail to learn the most precious lessons life has to teach us. They remain ignorant to the secrets the animal kingdom contains. Those of us that listen and learn are made better for it.
I bet, if you have a dog, you’d think nothing of kicking the poor beast to get it off your bed, or throwing something at it when it barks while you’re watching TV. You’d probably shove it away if it came begging under the dinner table, assuming you eat at a table at all. Then, when the animal could take your abuse no longer and turned on you, you’d be at a loss as to why.
It probably never occurs to you that animals are thinking creatures, even if they don’t think the same way we do. When an idiot tourist who failed to heed the warnings about snakes on the trail gets bitten, you probably blame the snake, not the idiot.
In colonial times, when white man first began to settle the American midlands, many farmers lost sheep and cattle to wolves. Rather than penning their livestock more securely, the farmers hunted the wolves down, calling them the spawn of Satan because they followed their instincts and hunted. Wolves are meant to hunt weaker animals; it’s their way. But their way is also to take only what they need. If one large sheep is sufficient to feed the pack, the pack will kill only the one sheep. They will take what they need and leave the carcass for the carrion eaters. When a human kills a sheep, he takes what he needs and sells some of the rest. The remainer is often left to rot, poisoned beyond edibility and usefulness.
Also, have you ever heard of the California Condor? Not ten years ago, there were only 26 of these magnificent carrion birds left in the world, all of them held in captivity. Why? Because farmers in California hunted them nearly to extinction, leaving tainted meat for them, destroying their nests, in a misguided and ill-advised attempt to protect their livestock from a bird that wouldn’t eat a cow unless it was already dead.
Humans are inferior to animals in all areas except technology and brutality, and the latter is certainly nothing to brag about. All in all, I’d rather follow the example of a swan than the example of a human like you.
Okay, all done for today. Later.
that is the most idiotic post ever. What about ghandi, mother terrasa, youre only lookign at the worst people. How many animals heroicly help other animals that neee, how many animals syart charitys to help animals worse off than them? animals hardly have any intelligent, an animal would take no pity on you yet if you hit a dog with your car you would mos tlikely see if it wa slaright and eople ar eout there in the RSPCA etc. Why not hunt wolves when they arent needed, are a threat to us. I ahte people who use that argument, especially with fox hunting etc when they say, get a better fence or whatever, if a wolve or fox wants food a fence isnt going to stop it, also killing the useless animal is far more cost effective. If a snake attacks you, why nto kill it? if you attacked the snake it would certainly kill you and snakes are unimportant in the world if its just one snake etc
Can you not even capitalize the first letter of a sentence? How can you expect me to take you seriously when you can’t even spell Mother Teresa correctly?
Your argument loses all respectfulness and coherency when you defeat your own point. What about the dogs that pull children from burning houses? The wild animals that take in the orphans of other animals? There are even animals that take in baby animals of a different species altogether and raise them as there own. Animals take care of each other on the community level; therefore, charities are not needed.
As to whether or not animals have ‘intelligent’, I don’t think someone without the intelligence to spell check has the right to make that call.
When we hit a dog and check to see if it’s all right, it’s only guilt. We think, “Oh, the poor thing! I hope it’s okay!” We pity animals as being inferior and see it as our duty to take care of them. Those of us that would check to see if the dog is all right, that is.
Wolves, my dear intellectual infant, are needed. They are an essential part of the ecosystem, and killing them off upsets the balance of nature. Without wolves to hunt them, forest-dwelling herbivores would breed at an alarming rate and either kill themselves off from overcrowding, or spill over into other ecosystems, further upsetting the balance. The only animal that could conceivably be removed completely with little to no negative consequence is humanity.
I don’t say ‘Get a better fence,’ I say ‘Do what you must, but do only what you must. Be mindful of what you do to Nature, for Nature ultimately sustains you.’ No, a starving wolf won’t be stopped by a fence. But a good fence will deter a merely curious wolf pack, which is what usually hunts recently-developed farmland. They’re just curious about these strange new creatures in their territory, that’s all. They usually don’t even show up with the intention of hunting anything.
Oh, yes, it’s just one snake. Well, a bum on the street corner is just one man, and he’s even more useless than a snake. Are you suggesting we kill him when, in desperation, he accosts us and begs for a few dollars with which to buy himself a better meal than he’d find in a garbage can or a bottle of booze in which to drown his misery? After all, he’s just one guy.
There are good and bad people; Since we can think and make choices based on ethics and morals, we as a species are accountable for our actions. Animals cannot think about the implications of their actions – they do not have the capability. Given, one can argue that there is no objective “good” or “evil”, but all the same, animals do only what they need to survive. They hunt to survive, and kill to survive. Nothing else.
We’ve gotten a little off-topic, I think.
i ahve a problem with spelling and i dont care for spell chekcingt as this is only a silly debate on the internet which i know i am right baout anyway. How can you say that i have no intelligence, thats a completely out of order remark but i care not. Animals are completely stupid, if they had any kind of intelligence they would have formed slightly complex houses as the best an animal can do is a nest… and they would overthrow humans as the top power. Killing off wolves wouldnt really make that much difference, the ecosystem might change but humans wouldnt die out or naything important like that. Peoiple shouldnt be killed off because people have rights whereas animals dont really have rights, or what they do have, they shouldnt, ok im not promting cruelty to animals, bu the killing of naimals unless they are endagered should be allowed. Unless you are a wolf expert which i dont know if you are, and i certianly am not, i dont know about the habit sof a wolf but i know that foxes kill chickens etc even when they dont need nay of them, a fox would need one chicken for a meal outnof a pen but it kill severy single chicken it can see. I thikn saying that animals are better and morally better than humans is wrong, the majority of people dont kill anything, and those who do only kill what they need. Humans actually have morals etc which animals dont, animals merely rely on instinct and very little intelligence
The fact that we have morals, whereas animals don’t, is the point I was making. That makes us immoral by doing an act of evil, say, killing. Animals don’t have moral, thus, even if they kill, they are not evil. They don’t kill with evil in their hearts. Violence is part of the natural world. If you try spinning that to claim, “well then killing humans should be ok too, then!” I will say this: killing humans does not serve any purpose other than revenge. We don’t eat them, we don’t make them into cothes, we would be killing humans for no reason, which makes it unnatural.
While I don’t care about your spelling, I do care about the fact that you claim, “the majority of people don’t kill anything, and those who do only kill what they need.” We both know that is not true. We’ve hunted animals to the brink of extinction, or sometimes into extinction, to suppor things like fashion. Remember the elephants of Africa? The ivory trade? Humans didn’t use the meat for anything; they didn’t use the skin for anything; they killed the creature just for its tusks. Humans make it a point to kill animals for whatever purpose comes into their mind – like entertainment.
this would be the most on crack thing i have read in a long time these ppl are messed up in the head… grrr…. straights can raise gays .. and gays can raise staights
yeh so … this is a messed up post .. funny but really stupid but isnt stupid funny.
what is your problem?I’m bi and there’s nothing wrong with it.Mayny people say it’s not natural.But scientist think it’s genetic.Would you say this to your own son if he was gay and it wasn’t his choice?Hah.You discust me.I’m only 13 too.I hate how homophobic people are so gay about this and say it’s wrong,but it’s not.It’s just like straight love but not.What would you think if gay people started a topic that said ‘ ten reasons why straight marriage is wrong ‘ I think that you’d feel ashamed of being straight.I HATE how you think it’s okay to do this to people like this.They have feelings too.Why did you have to be so cruel and degrading?People don’t make fun of you for being straight,do they?I hate how everyday I feel like I have to hide my true self and all that other teenage crap.And why would you say that blacks cant marry whites you racist.I’ve had a black boyfriend before and I’m white.And why would you say that people regret un natrual things like stupid eyeglasses it’s not their fault that they have vision problems.And why would you say that gay marriage will encourage people to be gay?YOU CANT CHOSE TO BE GAY OR NOT!And hanging around tall people doesnt make you feel tall.idiot.And when you say that may want to marry their dogs,it’s beastiality.That’s okay too.You see it in porn all the time.And I think the world is fine enough without childer being popped out of a womans vagina everyday.Wouldn’t you say so too?It hurts alot.I was pregnant.And straight parents do not raise straight children.My parent’s are straight and I’m bi.Gay people don’t have to make their kids have to be gay too.God why do you have to say offending crap and not think about saying it.And I know alot of kids dont have role models in life.We don’t really care.
I hope you read this and realize that love is effing love.
and if you dont realize that then maybe you can’t love someone else.
*headdesk* Satire. *headdesk* Satire. *headdesk* Satire.
Repeat until you get the point.
All homosexuals are going to have their part in the lake of fire!!! If you don’t know what that is….its in hell. If you don’t believe me…read the bible!!! So enjoy having your so called fun cause when god comes back….man its not going to be pretty for all the unbelievers…
Oh no, Kate! I’m terrified! Please, tell me what I can do to save my soul!
I’m sure that I have to stick to the Bible in its fullest, since the parts about homosexuality being a sin are in Leviticus, and we can’t just pick and choose the parts we adhere to, so I’ve bought and ox to sacrifice on my altar on Sunday, and am making preparations to sell my sister into slavery.
Please, tell me what else I must do?
Sadly, waiting for god to come back is a more realistic ballgame than waiting for people to stop using the bible to hide from their fears and insecurities..
this is the best thing ive ever read
i wish people were more open minded.
your right on some points and im with you, but u sound rascist.
I believe in same-sex marriage for so many reasons, but mostly for the ability to love and be there for the love of my life – taking on the responsibilities and joys of sharing a life together, and being considered equal citizens in our relationship under the law. We’re young professionals, and actually trying to raise money to help make this happen. If you’re interested in just visiting our site, go to
Dinner for Two??
An engineering professor is treating her husband, a loan officer, to dinner for finally giving in to her pleas to shave off the scraggly beard he grew on vacation. His favorite restaurant is a casual place where they both feel comfortable in slacks and cotton/polyester-blend golf shirts. But, as always, she wears the gold and pearl pendant he gave her the day her divorce decree was final. They’re laughing over their menus because they know he always ends up diving into a giant plate of ribs but she won’t be talked into anything more fattening than shrimp.
Quiz: How many biblical prohibitions are they violating? Well, wives are supposed to be ‘submissive’ to their husbands (I Peter 3:1). And all women are forbidden to teach men (I Timothy 2:12), wear gold or pearls (I Timothy 2:9) or dress in clothing that ‘pertains to a man’ (Deuteronomy 22:5). Shellfish and pork are definitely out (Leviticus 11:7, 10) as are usury (Deuteronomy 23:19), shaving (Leviticus 19:27) and clothes of more than one fabric (Leviticus 19:19). And since the Bible rarely recognizes divorce, they’re committing adultery, which carries the rather harsh penalty of death by stoning (Deuteronomy 22:22).
So why are they having such a good time? Probably because they wouldn’t think of worrying about rules that seem absurd, anachronistic or – at best – unrealistic. Yet this same modern-day couple could easily be among the millions of Americans who never hesitate to lean on the Bible to justify their own anti-gay attitudes.
I’m a supporter of gay rights. And not a closet supporter either. From the time I was a kid, I have never been able to understand attacks upon the gay community. There are so many qualities that make up a human being… by the time I get through with all the things that I really admire about people, what they do with their private parts is probably so low on the list that it is irrelevant. ~Paul Newman
I’m personally against gay marrige. I am not against gay people, though, or their lifestyle although it is different from mine. The only thing that I am opposed to is the term marrige. If anyone could enlighten me on why gays want the title ‘marriage’ I would appreciate it. Call it civil union, call it life partnership, call it whatever you want EXCEPT marrige. Marrige is defined as a man and a woman, and the line must be drawn somewhere as to when we can stop bending the original definition of the word and I think, why not now? It is true that the word marriage has been changed in the past, and I can’t help that, but I can voive my opinion to try and stop it from changing again.
and please, dont try and fight gay marrige if you are nothing but a sick troubled homophobe who will just embarass those of us who actually have valid opinions that exceed teh knowledge base of a twelve year old.
The controversy over gay marriage is as much about the terminology and word “marriage” as it is legal spousal benefits. I read an article about this once and I think this passage is very appropriate. “I suppose it’s also important for me to explain my opposition to civil unions. Not only do civil unions not guarantee the same rights for gay couples that marriage secures for heterosexual couples, it’s also terribly discriminatory. Clearly, it separates married Americans into two distinct groups. It is a new, legal form of segregation. Even if the government were benevolent enough to grant the same rights, the title still has that ‘separate but equal’ implication – and as we’ve learned, ‘separate is inherently unequal.’ Under this condition, gay couples will be forced to carry the conscious burden of being discriminated against – forced to feel a similar sort of inferiority Southern blacks were forced to feel for so many years.” -Ned Berke
You guys can all go to hell and burn. Gays are and will be around forever. I love being gay its who i am. I am not gonna let some stupid ass conservative get me angry. YES i fuck others guys but you know what god, if he exists, loves everything he made down to the last faggot!!!!
GAYS are awesome. Everything on that list is irrevelent. Whatevs! I love being homo!!!! HOMO HOMO HOMO I love me some rainbow. Faggots were put on the earth on purpose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Long live FAGS!!!!!! Rainbow lovers unite!!!
Hey, thanks Tim. I’ve been looking for a response like that everywhere. I was under the impression a civil union DID give the same benefits, but if it doesn’t that needs to be changed, I agree. As for gays wanting the term marriage, they are afraid of being discriminated aginst by those who disaprove of them. That wont change with a title. The word wont cause a shift in feelings, and even if it did, who is to say that it wont cause more negative feelings toward gays?
the title still has that ‘separate but equal’ implication – and as we’ve learned, ‘separate is inherently unequal’
Unequal? If the civil union is not given it’s rights then yea it’s unequal! But in any other way? will people look at gay couples diferently if they are in a civil union or a marriage? will people stop bashing gays like we have seen so much, even people who post thier voices here? no…we wont. discrimination has but one bane, and that is time. time brings forgetfulness of old ways, of old prejudices. Eventually, when gay haters are barely found anymore, will it matter if it is called a civil union or marriage? i dont think so. But with that said, if it doesnt matter, then why is it so unthoughtful, so barbaric and thought of as untolorated by many of my peers that I don’t want the definition of the word marriage changed? As I have said i know that it has been changed before. divorce is now legal, black and white marriages, etc., but why does that mean we can continue to alter it? And something that is the very core of the word marriage, no less. black and white were never in the definition. ’till death do you part’ is one of the vows that you take, and vows are easily broken these days. a never ending bond was never in it’s meaning. And i do apologize to those of you who are gay, who want that title.
thats my reason. please help me by challenging these points. while im at it, i have an issues with that top 10 reasons thing…
“Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.” – does anyone disagree that the legal status of marriage will end here? I do. history has shown us this. It was unthought of that blacks could marry whites, for example, but now they do. marriage will alter as more minoritys want rights. poligamy and incest, and possibly(though i doubt it) bestiality could eventually become legal.
People who are gay/lesbian would like to be married rather than “civil unioned” for a number of reasons…One, the status is not equal. Civil unions end when you cross the state line. If you believe them to be equal, think about it this way; would you trade in your marriage for a civil union? If not, why? If they were exactly equal, then there shouldn’t be any difficulty.
Another point is that if the term “marriage” is not used, then it can be a point of discrimination. For example, an employer might offer benefits to “married” employees, and not those with any other relational type. Which brings me to the next point…
Why would we want to start creating hierarchies of relationships? Why would we restrict civil unions to only gay couples? shouldn’t heterosexual couples have the right to have a civil union too? Then, we get into all sorts of mess.
The thought that you could then marry a dog, or a horse, ridiculous, and the same argument given when interracial marriage was an issue. Opponents said that marrying outside your race was the same as marrying an animal – the argument was offensive and ridiculous then, as it is now. Clearly, that hasn’t happened.
Polygamy is equally silly. No one is challenging the number of marital partners. Two is still the number.
Even when interracial marriage was passed in 1967, about 70% of Americans disagreed with that court decision…it’s not a popularity contest people, it’s civil rights. I thank God that my rights are not determined by a majority vote, and you should too.
It is the right of the courts to protect those who are being discriminated against, even when the majority supports that discrimination.
Why is it discrimination? Not because they’re gay, I would argue – but because of their gender. You can’t marry another woman ONLY because she is a woman. No one cares if she is gay or straight…it is because of her gender. Legally, to restrict marriage by gender, you would have to prove that it poses a direct threat to the commonwealth…and you just can’t do that. Especially in states with Equal Rights Ammendments.
So, whether you agree with it or not is not the point. It’s the right thing to do.
Aaron I agree with you that time is the only bane of discrimination, and the title of marriage will not immediately shut the doors to hate crimes based on sexual orientation. However, allowing the government to accept this discrimination with a “civil union” will slow this process considerably. A separate title makes that divide between heterosexuals and homosexuals much more clear.
As for the acceptance of polygamy, incest, etc., I don’t think it really matters where other people find happiness. Keep in mind that the rate of these progressions is directly related to the number of people actively trying to pursue these types of acceptance. I truly think you are comparing apples and oranges when you say that allowing gay couples to marry will bring upon marriage rights for a man and a dog.
To: Julie
would you trade in your marriage for a civil union?
That would depend on the person. If a heterosexual couple wanted to have a civil union rather than a marriage, sure, why not. But me personally? No, but that’s on strictly religious grounds. As for rights for civil unions, I am aware they are inadequate, I agree that is an issue and needs to be changed. My case is under the assumption they are both equal and is simply going against the term marriage for gays.
Why not call heterosexual relationships civil unions? whole big mess? If you could explain this more instead of using vauge terms of something you forsee as hectic in the future, I could debate that point, buit at the moment I have no idea what you are talking about.
The besiality thing..yea I know it is a little far fetched, but to think of poligamy and incest as the next steps isn’t out of the question. Besides, i think you are under the impression that i was arguing that point against the gays. Well, i wasnt, i was just saying that point is not ridiculous. Although I believe that It shouldnt be used in debates over gay marriage, I still think that those things would eventually come to pass. Im not using that point to bash gays, if you would read what I have posted before. mmmk?
Yea..I know it’s not a popularity contest and im scanning everything I typed and…no…wait…nothing to that point. Although i do thak you for that piece of trivia. it’s nifty.
You are right on the point of discrimination. It is truly unfair and unjust that steps arent being made to make civil unions the equivelent in all but name to marriages.
Why is it discrimination? Not because they’re gay, I would argue – but because of their gender. You can’t marry another woman ONLY because she is a woman. No one cares if she is gay or straight…it is because of her gender.
What…? it is under the assumption that they are gay, both men and women that want to get married. But..Isuppose if two friends of the same gender wanted to get married for benefits? mabey? no, i tried and i still dont get it.
Mabey im missing the point. We are singling out both men and women just because they are men and women. how could i not see this before. Sorry if im just being dumb, i think i might need some more explanation as to your points…they may be poorly explained, or possible past my mental capacity, I dunno.
You do make a good point that it should be proved how it could harm the commonwealth. Well, simply because it would be changing the definition of marriage. I know it might be thought of as a weak argument, but it’s important to me. Where do we stop pushing back the meaning of it? when do we stop just giving a little more until it’s original meaning is gone. I dont want gay marriage to be called marriage because a bond between two people of the same gender is not what marriage is, and when we cross that line we cant return back.
Oh, and it has nothing with people being gay, if that’s what any of you are assuming. Anyhting trying to change that marriage is between a man and a woman and I would be against it. just sayin.
hmm..interesting analogy
Apples and oranges…
gay and straight marriages….
both come from trees…
both come from love….
They are both friut…
They are both bonds…
But they arent the same.
Anywho, I dont see that calling it marriages will help at all. Will people see homosexuality as right becase of a name? the line is as clear as it will get becasue they are two diferent things, not becuase they have the diferent names. In the long run will it help? no one can say for sure. I think not, you think yes, we’ll just blabble on about things we cant prove. But making it more clear by calling it a civil union…It cant get any clearer that YEA, there is a diference. If you want to stop people from hating gays, time. If you want equal rights for civil unions, fight for it. I dunno, I just dont see why the word is needed so much. how is it discrimination if nothing is lost except for a title that might roll off the tounge better? are they diferent, yea. are their lifestyles diferent, yea. blagh. It just doesnt seem right to me.
And tom, as i said to julie, that was just saying that it will eventually happen, not that it will come directly from allowing gays to sorry, but i dont see it as out of the picture.
As for the bit about it being gender discrimination, let me explain. It is NOT about sexual orientation. For example, you can be a man and a woman and be “friends,” never have sex, and just want the benefits of each other’s retirement as you age…and still…you are allowed to marry. No one “checks” to see if you are heterosexual, it doesn’t matter. Just as with same-sex marriages…it isn’t about whether or not you are a “homosexual,” no one “checks,” and you are not denied a marriage license because of this attraction to the same gender – you are denied your license because you are of the same gender as your intended spouse.
If you are gay and want to marry a straight woman…no one cares. Why? because it is not about sexual orientation, it is about the gender of your intended spouse.
If that is indeed the case, then in states with ERAs (equal rights ammendments) which prevent discrimination based on gender…this is an easy case for same-sex marriage. It is, in fact, the way that Massachusetts was won (in many of their strategies). So…..perhaps this is a better explanation. You have to prove that the EXTENSION of rights and including others will somehow harm the commonwealth.
As for extending this to polygamy and incest, seems to be ignorance. Again, no one is arguing to marry a different SPECIES, or change the number of the marital relationship. In fact, everything stays the same with the exception of the gender of the intended spouse. Again, it is an issue of gender.
I am not sure why extending the word “marriage” bothers you so much. I agree that if you want it not to be a “religious” marriage under your faith…take it up with them. But for legal purposes, it should have the same classification – and the same term. This is true equality under the law.
THANK you!! I have been saying this for years now. I never understood why this whole ‘gay marriage’ thing was such a big deal. A marriage is just a civil contract between two people and the government. It makes no difference if you’re the same gender or not, it’s still a civil contract you’re making with the government. It only becomes touchy when you introduce religion. So my church bans me from having a ceremony in their church… fine, so what? All this big hullabaloo about the definition of ‘marriage’ is the church’s issue, and it pisses me off that it’s bleed into the government.
thats…so stupid….oh my that is stupid. so basically they bent a rule to fit them, despite the fact that it has no real relevence to gays, but instead for those few poeple who have no friends of the opposite gender they would want to marry to get benefits. it makes me cringe…and what woudl the problem be if those “couples” called it a civil union instead? they dont really “love” eachother. wow. either im still not getting it, which im sorry if im not, or that is the most pathetic defense excuse i have ever heard. besides mine, of corse. haha.
AAAAAANY way, no one is arguing to have poligamy n stuff like that yet. does that mean it will never happen? was their a gay movement in the 1800’s? does that mean there will never be one? just because you’re near sighted doesnt mean it wont happen. and dont call me ignorant. AND IM NOT SAYING THAT GAY”S WINNING THIS TITLE WILL MAKE PEOPLE WANT TO MARRY ANIMALS, im just saying that it is not impossible that it will eventually happen! goodness…
And, yea, sure it’s about gender. becasue no where in teh definition does it say gay or straight. but if two men get married, it is a civil union, not a marriage by the d e f i n i t i o n of the word.
And actaully religion sorta had the word marriage first…and the government kinda took it from religion, so if they want their own, they sould make it. how about civil union? has a nice ring to it…hey! it could even use it for homosexual marriages and all other non-marital bonds that will pop up in the future! (or that ‘dont’ pop up in the future) doesnt that sound cool. i think so.
aaron – your arguments are making no sense at this point. Yes, it seems you are still not “getting it”…and that’s a shame. Others seemed to have. This is an issue of gender, not orientation. You may think it is stupid, but the state of Massachusetts seemed not to. A milestone in the history of our nation.
After all, in the United States, separate is not equal…and splitting affectional ties or relational bonds into two separate legal words “civil union” vs. “marriage” will not hold up in court.
Who cares where marriage comes from (you say that religion had the word first). I have no problem with religion keeping it. If they want to call ALL civil marriages (that grant same-sex and opposite-sex couples legal rights) a civil union to denote the legal binding…that’s fine – AND it would be equal. Many churches would offer the term “marriage” to their same-sex congregants – the methodists, unitarians, etc..
Either way, it ends up being the same. Use one legal term for the legal act that both types of couples participate in (same-sex and opposite-sexed)…that’s all I am saying. If you also want to have a religious component/ceremony – both same-sex couples and opposite-sexed couples can make that choice.
Make it equal. In our nation – separate is not equal.
Many churches would offer the term “marriage” to their same-sex congregants – the methodists, unitarians, etc..
And they are at fault for doing so. sanctioning something so antibiblical is not reflective of the general christian church and it aggravates me that this point is constantly thrown in my face.
You know another thing that i hate being thrown in my face? that phrase taken from back during segregation against blacks. seperate is inherently inequal. how. prove it to me instead of hiding behind that phrase that, unless you show me otherwise, has no relevence WHATSOEVER to this argument.There are so many diferences between this and the segregation back then that comparing them is silly. just stop it and make up your own phrases to hide behind.
and i said that religion had it first because of the gentleman who posted after you, it wasn’t to you. so simmer.
I understand your point about the whole gender thing, but it is just annoying that law was taken and twisted to fit this situation. The state of massachusetes may have agreed, but hear me out. That law was initially proposed to protect women from being discriminated against. I think it was a sneaky thing to do to use the vaugeness of that amendment to thier advantage while it has nothing to do with what they are trying to accomplish. Besides, they arent restricting them from marrying. That same woman who wanted to marry a woman but couldnt isnt restricted from marrying a man and calling it a marriage, is she? noooo… But what she is restricted from is defining marriage by something that it isnt, a union of two poeple from the same sex. which is the definition. homosexual unions have a term ,and it’s civil union. there you go, that;s my argument and im sorry i was so unclear.
>blockquote>sanctioning something so antibiblical is not reflective of the general christian church and it aggravates me that this point is constantly thrown in my face.
anti-biblical? man… this really isn’t the forum to be getting into the translation of scripture. However, i will let you know that any biblical scholar worth his salt knows that there are only three homosexual prohibitions in scripture: 1) rape, 2) subjugation/humiliation, and 3) ritualistic fertility cults. So forgive me if i do not agree with you when you say a loving couple who wish to spend their lives together in a supportive, loving, nurturing relationship is “anti-biblical” just because they happen to be of the same gender.
Yea, im not much of a scholar, and didnt really mean to get into religion. But still its my personal views on how scripture is to be determined, and that’s how i determine it. so…yea. Im pretty much done with this site anyway. I needed it for ideas for a midterm essay, to ill cya later.
aaron –
I’m glad that it seems you knew your limit with this topic, and realized that your interpretation of scriptural truth is only one of many. Everyone believes that their interpretation is the only way… case you didn’t realize this…in America, we’re not a theocracy. We are governed by civil laws, not one religion’s perspectives.
What I am suggesting is something I thought you would agree on. Keep the term “marriage” for the church, and call both same and opposite-sexed couples legal binding a “civil union.” That way, the “state” legal rights are called civil unions, and the church’s joining is called a “marriage.” Every church could decide who to give this title to.
It just sounds to me, like there is some kind of exclusivity you think that people who choose opposite-gendered partners should have.
Hate to break your bubble….but couples of the same-sex have families, courtships, mutual affection, respect, honor and commitment just the same as those of opposite-sexed couples.
Look, marriage in this country has been going down the toilet with las vegas drive through weddings, staggering divorce rates, lack of payment with child support, children out of wedlock, unfaithfulness, etc…and you don’t see me blaming the heterosexuals for ruining it.
I don’t know why same-sex couples want a piece of that…but surely…they’re not going to make it worse.
Massachusetts may be the only state that allows same-sex couples to marry – but they also have the lowest divorce rate in the nation.
I would like to address the people who believe the Bible is not written by God! First of all let me tell you I believe in the “word of God” as written in the Bible. Sure it was written by men…however it was under the direct inspiration of God through the Holy Spirit which is part of the “Trilogy”. Secondly, the Bible teaches that homosexualty is an abhoration to God and is a deadly sin and the wages of sin is death!
I believe this to be true because the Bible is the “word of God” and I am a believer in Christ! Those of you who don’t believe, I pray for you and hope for your enlightenment before it is too late. If you are a non-believer, you better hope you are right….me I will hold fast to the promise of everlasting life through Christ Jesus!
To each his own, ziggy.
I have no idea if this has been brought up yet, and quite bluntly, I really cannot be bothered reading back three pages to see, because I do think points have been made here. However, the thought that I don’t know if it has been brought up: If God created this earth, created all humans, and calls homosexuality a sin, why did ‘He’ even create homosexuals to begin with? Why did ‘He’ create murderers?
Sorry if this insulted anybody, it really wasn’t the point of this message.
who are you to judge? in your book of God, he accepts everyone. hookers, haters, lovers, skanks, hobos…
a real church will grab homosexuals with open arms not burn their beliefs with rude thoughts. you’re not christian. you’re full of too much hate to be. you’re also ignorant. do you honestly believe this stuff you wrote??
you can’t prove anything…
who’s to say the bible wasn’t written by a gay man?
you don’t know…
all you have is your faith. at least homosexuals KNOW their love is real.
That’s true. We don’t know anything. We only believe what people have told us. I really hope God is a flamboyant black woman.
Just wanted to add something to the discussion… much earlier someone said something about God disapproving of homosexuals. That’s a load of bull… God loves everyone. Why can’t he love homosexuals? For all you know, God could be gay. Wouldn’t that just make your day? Maybe you’re the one who’s got it all “wrong”.
7. Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.
…so your saying my boyfriend is gay? my boyfriend is normal and his father is gay.
you make absolutely no sense whatsoever.
what a moron. LMAO.
i have a better idea:
Top 10 reasons your a RETARD. I’ve made this to match yours.
The Top Ten Reasons Why Gay Marriage is Wrong
1.Homosexuality is not natural. Real people always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.
1a.Homosexuals are real people too. If they weren’t a person i doubt they would be able to talk, hold a job,breathe, etc.
2.Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.
2a.I have quite a few homosexual friends, and in doing so i have not had the urge/encouragment to become homosexual.
3.Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.
3a. How can a dog, that has no ample skills as a human be able to sign something? that made you look 100x’s more stupid than you already are.
4.Heterosexual marriage has been around a long time and hasn’t changed at all; women are still property, blacks still aren’t supposed to marry whites.
4a. is this the 1800’s? where do you get your information and what century do you live in my dear? There are some aspects in life where a woman is better than a does that make the man a woman?
5.Straight marriage will be less meaningful if homosexual marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Brittany Spears’ 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.
5a.marriage is as meaningfull as you make it. its meaningfull between the two people getting married, so thats all that matters.
6.Heterosexual marriages are valid because they produce children. Homosexual couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn’t be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren’t full yet, and the world needs more children.
6a. as long as you don’t reproduce, i think the world will be fine. the world has plenty of children…especially ones that aren’t being taken care of properly i.e. UNFIT PARENTS. but thats not really my point. A PARENT: is SOMEONE who takes care of their child, puts a roof over their head, clothes, feeds, cares for…etc. any person with a working brain knows this…so it doesnt matter if the child has 2 fathers, 2 mothers, a mother and a father.
7.Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.
7a. I’ve already covered this in my previous comment.
8.Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That’s why we have only one religion in North America.
8a. Not everyone follows the same religion. some people don’t even have one. So this doesn’t apply.
9.Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That’s why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.
9a.can you go to jail for raising a child as a single parent? if so, half of people living would be in jail. you say that they need a male and a female role model correct? what about the useless father figure that bailed on the mother leaving her to raise the child alone? i wouldn’t call that a man at all.
10.Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven’t adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.
10a. im done.
lord… it seems every once in a while we get a string of these weirdos who don’t seem to understand satire [roll eyes] … maybe there should be an entrance exam before you’re allowed to post comments.
The 10 reasons give a very good argument indeed, its always good to see people who have decent views of equality when asked about such issues as sexual orientation.
The matter is in fact an enormous story here in the UK where i live at the moment. First may I begin by saying that we are noted as being one of the most acceptable nations on earth and that definitely shows.
HOWEVER others have expressed problems with the idea that “we should all be equal”, not in those words but that’s how it comes across:
Many gay/lesbian couples have been nudging the government more and more to legalise adoption made by LGBT couples as well as gay marriage which has so far become legalised in only 3 countries, including may I add the Canadians who deserve praise for this action. The reason why we haven’t been able to legalise here is because of the Christian church (primarily the Catholics) standing in the way. They seem to think that their views are higher than those of the government. Perhaps not considering that the general make-up of the population are either agnostic/atheist OR belong to other religions such as Islam (who seem to also be condemning it) and others who at this point have remained quiet or have been supporting it e.g. Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism.
I can clearly understand why people are feeling betrayed, and I’m not just talking about the gay community, I’m talking about the population in general. Why on earth should Christians be able to manipulate governments by putting pressure upon them and constantly winging.
People are going to have to look to the future.. we no longer live by this old-fashioned concept of sex after-marriage… heterosexual couples only etc. today we see people of many minority groups living under the sun who are living in scattered societies caused by extreme views, hatred, inequality and typical nonsense.
It shouldn’t look like that and we can only dream of seeing a day where such things as racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia etc. will be unheard of and we can all live together on this earth within our societies without the controversy and conflict.
Hahaa, I almost pissed myself laughing, and again while reading the comments.
At least the total bashing has gone down other than the odd one that just doesn’t get it.
I’m in Canada, so we have legal gay marrige in some places. In fact I’m going to be attending one of my best friends weddings in two weeks.
I’m going to cry if I see another “HAY UR RONG!! THAT LIST R BAD AND I R ANGREE”
You all should check out this website:
Smartly written and a real advocate of the movement to allow gay and lesbian marriage….
it’s the best I’ve seen in a while.
haha that’s some gay stuff
Dear everybody in this chatroom. I read this ten reasons thing, and seriously its the stupidest thing i’ve ever heard, and the arguments after are even worse. Don’t get me wrong, i’m stronly against gay marriage, but there are better reasons then these, and its stupid that this blog will be rideculed for poor spelling and grammar. People can be gay, but its not normal, so keep it in the closet.
sry ladies, (illarane and kyle)
ur a little pathetic fighting over some dumb idea; u cant generalize gays into good or bad. i mean, some gays are fucktards and others are just gay, and thats OK so long they dont like u. kyle ur a fag, get sum friends, and illarane….u sound like the nerdiest piece of shit i’ve ever seen, plz lady, i find your vocabulary has quite a breadth i shan’t appreciate my young lady. care for tea at 3 o’clock with biscuits??
i agree with the guy below me, it is extremly bigot of the government to pass such a discrimating law, what about the outer religions than just the christians and sry to say it but if christians are just so forgiving and open and great why do the discriminate against something that doesnt affect there life in any way at all. we have a amendment in our constitution that says separation of state and church so sry to all you christians that choose to discriminate but if this law gets passed, im sure someone will quickly sue them. and marrage is a legal binding or 2 people who love, so why fight against something that is already legal, cause they love each other no more than you and me, so dont judge and get your facts straight i may only be 14 but ive reaserched and sry but that is how it is.
Some people in my town were upset over a gay pride parade and tried to hold a heterosexual pride parade. They were rejected because “it would only be done to anger the gay community”.
I don’t hate gays but I dislike it when they flaunt it in your face. Be gay if you want but don’t throw a parade about it.
P.S. For all you Christian bible freaks: God forgives everyone who repents their sins. Homosexual relationships are habitual un-repented sin and will not be forgiven. I personally know that there is no God, as long as we’re freaking out about peoples lifestyles, does anyone want to freak out at me for that?
okay. first things first. homosexuality is a natural thing. if you are a homosexual you are born that way. people can be homosexual for different reasons, constitutional factors, life experiences. homosexuals are found every where, advanced, primitive, large, small, ancient and modern. in Ancient Greece it wasent about the sex it was about the love and what you felt was right. warriors would fight beside their lovers..
the research that I have done on this topic goes on and on. and if you dont believe me . go to a libary and go look in the Encyclopedia of Americana or the encyclopedia of Briticana.. you will see the same sort of information there. over and over again. if thats not good enough look around on some actual scientific websites with people who have written on them, and know what they are actually talking about. i think what is on here is discusting and rude. no ones interested in your hate speech.
I would have to agree with cassandra when she says that the amount of hate demonstrated on this website is indeed disgusting. As a gay male myself, i know that being gay is something i did not choose for myself. At first i didnt like it but now i relish and am proud of the fact that i am gay. I think other gay individuals should feel the same because we are different and we contribute so much. So much research has shown that homosexuality is so prevalent that it is even present in animals. over 409 species of animals including whales, birds, dogs, cats, etc have homosexual tendencies.
Even though right wing christian individuals protest that people are made in the image of God and therefore are different and that God detests homosexuality, i still have a hard time finding logic in this litteral claim because if God hates it so much and yet he created everything, people and animals alike, then why would he create it in animals if he detested it so much. Surely He would want them to be fruitful and multiply as well. Also if homosexuality is a HUMAN sin, then why would it even be present in animals? I thought only adam and eve ate from the apple tree not animals, then why are they cursed with such wretchedness?
I personally dont understand how people can fully subject themselves into christianity without questioning, wondering, or without using their own logic. Is christianity really a free gift when you can’t think for yourself nor use your own logic?
anyway, sorry about the religious rant got carried away.
gay marriage is fine. if two people love each other that is what counts. yes the acts of gay’s may be strange and wierd but if two people love each other why cant they get married?
like i said kinda before.. ppl need to get a life.. and stay outa others lifes.. its not like the whole world is gonna turn GAY ….
and i beleive in gay marriage
I don’t believe none of that is true. I;m gay myself in I’ve been every since I was fourteen. I’ve been like that for four years. When I get grown in on my on I wants to and going to marry a female. I 100% don’t agree with the 10 reason why getting married to the same sex is wrong. I hate when the world makes judgement on people because they are not the same or because they don’t understand.
It really, really saddens me that so many people have no idea what SATIRE is – including the people who you’d think would actually understand and appreciate this kind of humor.
grrrr to u … y dont u just mind ur business… i bet ur best friend is a “fag” … look around buckooo.. they “we” are all over the place… ( this is just so random)
Before you make another asinine post supporting homosexuality, please for the love of god understand that this is intended to show just how ridiculous the arguments against gay marriage truly are.
Excuse me, Kyle, you are a fat cow. Stop being so damn homophobic. If same-sex marriage does not affect your life, then it shouldn’t be a problem at all. Just because YOU don’t approve of the idea, doesn’t make it wrong. So stop moaning and whining, and shove your bullsh** up your a$$.
-Barbie Mafia
Also, the ONLY people who oppose same-sex marriage happen to be those who are brainwashed by religion or caught up in their own sad, little opinions. Honestly, why do people care if 2 people of the same sex wish to be bound together in marriage? Nobody is saying that everyone should agree, but those who protest and cause an uproar about these types of things should really find new hobbies. Try reading “Harry Potter,” or “God Is An Imaginary Friend”. Use that organ in your bodies you call a brain, and trigger it’s imagination for once.
Again, if you don’t like the idea of homosexual marriage, then don’t marry someone of the same sex, duh. And don’t be friends with anyone who likes the idea either. It’s not as if they want you as friends anyway.
So please, stop complaining and giving open-minded people (those who think OUTside of their boxes) headaches.
So here’s a tissue for your issue.
Much love,
makes me laughwhen you all think youre open minded, when you may be in your eyes on this subject but i really doubt any of you are open minded
That was simply hilarious and I liked it a lot, thanks. And I’m wondering why some people here are so mean. If you’ve got problems with this article just simply don’t read it.
i think my favorite on this list is #8. i mean, seriously, “the bible says it’s wrong”. ?!?! what about the half of the world that doesn’t BELIEVE IN the bible? are we going to be forced to go to church too by our government? people should be able to practice their own sexuality/love just as they should be able to practice their own religion.
what if all the muslims attacked you christians and said “YOU MUST BELIEVE IN ALLAH!” and the government supported that? is that fair?
maybe this arguement is stupid, but that’s how i feel.
HERE THIS: gay marriage is here to stay, “as goes Massachusetts, so goes the nation,” and soon gay marriage will be coming to a state near you!
In the three years since the implementation of same-sex marriage in Massachusetts, opponents of equality for same-sex couples have ranted and raved that same-sex marriage weakens the foundation of our society and destroys traditional marriage.
Yet, in those three years, “not one” iota of proof – real factual evidence that could be presented in a court of law – has ever been offered to show that these predictions have come true. Massachusetts continues to rank “FIRST” amongst all states for the greatest longevity of marriage and “LOWEST” divorce rates in the nation, you want proof? “look that up”
TYPO!!! – my mistake – It should have said “HEAR” not “HERE” – sorry for that
It has been proven that Marriage makes people emotionally healthier. Why deny Gay people the rights that straight people do? How many of you do not support Interracial marriage?
Equal rights are not special rights.
Oh, and for all of you who think that Americia was founded on christian principals, you are wrong, because if they based our laws on solely the bible, people would not be aloud to work on sunday, people would be stoned to death if they commited adultry, etc.
For those who do support Gay marriage go sign this patition :
It has been Shown in studies that Marriage makes people emotionally healthier. Why deny Gay people the rights that straight people do? How many of you do not support Interracial marriage?
Equal rights are not special rights.
Oh, and for all of you who think that America was founded on christian principals, you are wrong, because if they based our laws on solely the bible, people would not be aloud to work on Sunday, people would be stoned to death if they committed adultery, etc.
For those who do support Gay marriage go sign this petition :
Oh dear, why did it post it twice? Oh well. Haha
What I love about society as a whole, is that outer beauty is considered the most important thing. Like with celebs. But stupidity isn’t considered to be a flaw.
Come on guys, I mean the internet is for everybody to say whatever they want. But if you want to make a good point, don’t put 10 points out there which are so fucking easy to overturn that it makes you sound like a complete retard.
I wouldn’t accept anybody in my surrounding who would throw this in my face (me as a 100% heterosexual) and trying to tell me that being gay is something unnatural and will completely destroy a country. I would say they really should read some books, or even watch a nature channel. The fun part is I’m from Holland (The Netherlands) and there is a lot to say about that.
We accepted gay marriage over here and nothing changed. Really truthfully our society hasn’t changed 1 bit. Really, we are not proof of THEORY we are proof of practice, no change thingie one bit. And I don’t mind gay people having the same rights, it is still pure love which is understandable if you are open minded about things. Yes, towards the bible I can understand there is a lot of things. But to throw some “research” (Come on, if you really knew a thing about psychology you would know you are pushing 1% of the research on the people, and the other 99% would proof you wrong leave out of it). And to compare gay marriage to animal love, then your social abilities really lack, because two people aren’t the same as outer specie relationships (You might want to check in some of your kindergarten books on communication for that one).
If someone wants to be with another guy, the more optional woman for me ;). And I would certainly drink a beer at there wedding and wish them the best of love. They could certainly find a fulfilling love life as mine and I hope they do.
I think that all of you anti-gay people should get over it or stay in your house, we are everywhere and I hope that you lose your spouse to someone of the same sex or that you have gay children. Maybe then you would shut the f*** up! Who are you to judge who it is ok to love or not???? You are just insecure with yourself and that is why you choose to pick on people that are different, or maybe even better or happier than you. You suck and I hope you live a totally unhappy life 🙂
The closed minded ignorance of the people posting on here is what is funny. Who cares what people do in there own homes? How are gay people hurting anyone? In a country like the U.S.A. people are assured they can live their lives how ever they wish.The only stipulation is that they don’t encroach on the rights of others, namely the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As a matter of fact not allowing gay’s to get married is a breach of their rights as American citizens. So if you want to live in a place where gay’s can’t get married move to a totalitarian dictatorship. For the record I am not gay. I’m just intelligent.
“Dear everybody in this chatroom. I read this ten reasons thing, and seriously its the stupidest thing i’ve ever heard, and the arguments after are even worse. Don’t get me wrong, i’m stronly against gay marriage, but there are better reasons then these, and its stupid that this blog will be rideculed for poor spelling and grammar. People can be gay, but its not normal, so keep it in the closet.”
(Sorry I can’t quote the normal way)
I understand why people get angry about gay marriage, it goes against tradition, right? But why do you care? Does it hurt anyone? We all grow up with the dream of rowng up, finding our special someone, and getting married. Why deny that to someone, just based on the one they love? You people who are married, what if it was illegal? Being married is a symbol of trust and love which others respect. Wouldn’t anyone want that? I’m not lesbian, but I would be crushed if i was denied that.
Ok Tony, about your last comment. So you’re not against gays, but it’s wierd so they should keep it in the closet? What kind of reasoning is that? If you have no problem with homosexuality, why do you want it hidden? Would you enjoy not only being denied the RIGHT of marriage to your loved one, but being forced to hide it? It’s sad that so many people in the world feel like they have to hide their love because of hyporites like you.
Whatever, I’ve wasted enough of my time here. You’re hopeless. Maybe someday you’ll try to understand.