This has been circulating on the internet as an e-mail, and I came across it via Ace Pryhill.
The Top Ten Reasons Why Gay Marriage is Wrong
- Homosexuality is not natural. Real people always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.
- Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.
- Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.
- Heterosexual marriage has been around a long time and hasn’t changed at all; women are still property, blacks still aren’t supposed to marry whites.
- Straight marriage will be less meaningful if homosexual marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Brittany Spears’ 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.
- Heterosexual marriages are valid because they produce children. Homosexual couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn’t be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren’t full yet, and the world needs more children.
- Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.
- Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That’s why we have only one religion in North America.
- Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That’s why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.
- Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven’t adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.
Internet Forward
I guess it’s going to take at least another generation before we get over this stupid thousand year trend of intolerance, prejudice, and insecurity. They just don’t seem to get it.
I still can’t help but laugh at numbers 1 and 5…
This is very funny and the witty sarcasm shines thru to get the points across. Certainly we cannot forbid people from feeling the way they want to feel, simply because it is human nature and cannot be helped. There will always be poeple like kyle trying to put down others, but the fact remains that people are what they are. I myself am not gay but I have gay friends and I don’t care, they are great (not to mention some can cook incredibly :$) loyal, and respectful. It just comes to show that people are not as open minded as they think, rather yet they are desolate, ignorant and unwilling to change.
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U r the most intolerant person in the world who eva posted this. U are brainwashed by majority. i would just like to correct u on stupid errors u made.
“Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children”
Um u said that there was a time where there were no gay people. If straight people only raise straight children where did the gay people come from, huh?
“Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That’s why we have only one religion in North America.”
Did u jsut say that there is only 1 religion in North America i suggest u use a search engine b4 to find accurate facts instead of making up retarted comments.
And about the nature part. How is being gay unatural? I personally do not belive in God but supposedly God made it possible for men to have sex and to have gay thoughts. Doesn’t sound very unatural to me.
I am personally not gay and i can tolerate gay people. It does not effect any1 in the world so just live your life.
Its pure sarcasm. Thats the point.
I love how the people that don’t have the common sense to realize this is fake STILL refuse to take two seconds to look at the comments and realize it is. At least their hearts in the right place…. Don’t know about their education level, but they mean well….
I can’t agree with you more. The devil brought gayness into the earth. Tell me one thing. Did god make Adam and Steve? Also did god make a male animals like male animals. Are their gay animals. I’m 13 and I’m the next generation and in proud to be anti-homo. Its just not natural
actually, there have been NUMEROUS reports of homosexual behaviors in many types of animals. get your facts straight before you post.
Oh shut the hell up. You don’t know shit about the world. Grow up a little and stop being your parents clone.
And if you really believe there are no gay animals, I suggest you meet Roy and Silo. The SanFransisco zoo’s gay penguins.
I feel so sorry for you people. If you think that its unnatural then I pitty you!!! Your so close minded its unreal! I’ll say something that one my mates told me for a laugh ” If it’s unnatural then why is a guys g spot up his ass?”
It’s sad really that you feel this way about it. It acctualy makes me laugh that you have so much hate inside of you. You say that “God” is against it but does “God” teach you love? I feel that the biggest sin in this world is not loving the other people in it!!!
Informative and amusing at the same time! Though I found (2) a bit lacking in humour, number (8) was probably taken out of context. I pressume the “one religion” beleif is that Christianity (for most Western based countries) is engraved into society, Ie; getting married in Church before our lord almighty! But if God knows and see’s all can’t we get married in the garden shed in the presence of a pet dog? Or the Justice system taking the Christian Oath to be the default.
Regardless it’s been brought to attention that the religion point is a weak one. Anyway 1,3,5,6 we’re particularly funny, with 6 being my favourite.
“Also did god make a male animals like male animals. Are their gay animals. I’m 13 and I’m the next generation and in proud to be anti-homo. Its just not natural.”
Actually there are over 400 species that experience same-sex attraction – giraffes, turtles, dragonflies, penguins, etc…to name a few. So – because it is found in a small portion of many populations (just like ours), maybe it is more “natural” than you think.
oh my gosh this is the dumbest thing i have EVER SEEN. 1. it is natural to be gay. 2. you do not turn gay by hanging with gay people if so i be the gayest person ever. 3. it’s you crazy fucks that are not for gay marriage that want to fuck a dog humans and pets are diff. 4.women are not fucking property. 5. just no 6. that’s just so fucked up because my gay friends are having childern that’s just a big lie 8. in the u.s there are tons of religions 9. that’s a lie to because of single mother’s and fathers. 10.we have adapted to cars
Do you people go to CHURCH?? Read the BIBLE! GOD did not make gay people, he made straight people! so all ya’ll who are for GAYS can just shut-up and shove-it! Gays should NOT be accepted!
Before you preach to read an edited version of the bible, because yes the version of the bible you read is not the same as the original hebrew text, learn what you’re talking about.
The bible, in original hebrew, says that a man shall not have sex with a man in a WOMANs bed. A womans bed wasn’t clean because she has a period. The change happened in translation, and frankly its not the only change that was made to fit “morality.”
Thank you Samantha; your naivety is frightening. Forever will exist the bible response to anything homosexual, and as we are all well aware, there is no reasoning that will broaden the minds of those that were unfortunately brainwashed to believe this shit.
Ahahah, silly Christians. It makes me laugh how close-minded and brainwashed you are sometimes. But at least Samantha got that it was a joke…
…I think….
Nothing on there was a JOKE! OH i didn’t know that I was BRAINWASHED i thought that you people were!!
Read the Bible again, dear. Read it for yourself. And tell me if you see anywhere that it says “gays go to hell”. You say it’s a sin, but we’re born this way. What about your cussing? What about love they neighbor? It’s not your right to judge, is it? Learn a little something about your own religion before you go shouting about it, dear.
Hey Samantha..
10- You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of your god.
9- You feel insulted and “dehumanized” when scientists say that people evolved from lesser life forms, but you have no problem with the Biblical claim that we were created from dirt.
8- You laugh at polytheists, but you have no problem believing in a Trinity god.
7- Your face turns purple when you hear of the “atrocities” attributed to Allah, but you don’t even flinch when hearing about how God/Jehovah slaughtered all the babies of Egypt in “Exodus” and ordered the elimination of entire ethnic groups in “Joshua” — including women, children, and trees!
6- You laugh at Hindu beliefs that deify humans, and Greek claims about gods sleeping with women, but you have no problem believing that the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary, who then gave birth to a man-god who got killed, came back to life and then ascended into the sky.
5- You are willing to spend your life looking for little loop-holes in the scientifically established age of the Earth (4.55 billion years), but you find nothing wrong with believing dates recorded by pre-historic tribesmen sitting in their tents and guessing that the Earth is a couple of generations old.
4- You believe that the entire population of this planet with the exception of those who share your beliefs — though excluding those in all rival sects — will spend Eternity in an infinite Hell of Suffering. And yet you consider your religion the most “tolerant” and “loving”.
3- While modern science, history, geology, biology, and physics have failed to convince you otherwise, some idiot rolling around on the floor speaking in “tongues” may be all the evidence you need to prove Christianity.
2- You define 0.01% as a “high success rate” when it comes to answered prayers. You consider that to be evidence that prayer works. And you think that the remaining 99.99% FAILURE was simply the will of God.
1- You actually know a lot less than many Atheists and Agnostics do about the Bible, Christianity, and church history — but still call yourself a Christian.
Is that enough blindness to make you think??
You have many fantastic points… But I’m greived as to why you would be so harsh. Your word usage is like daggars. I may be completely wrong but if any christian has hurt you or offended you, i want to appologise on their behalf. i’m so sorry if someone of the christian faith has offended you in any way what so ever. Most of us christians, sadly, are hypocrytes. and everything that you have typed on this website is completely correct. Once again, i’m sorry for anything, if anything, that has happened to you because of a christian. I’m a strong believer in christ and i hope that other christians get to read this. i hope this is a wake up call to them. Come on people. Christian=Christ-like
i completely agree with everything he said. and Rebecca, thank you. i have never been to a place that was more discriminant or “harsh” as a church. im judged because of my appearance and my open mind. at a young age i learned to always try to think on my own 2 feet, and for some reason people seem to feel threatened by that. i live in the bible belt, and i often feel out of place because none of the christians want to welcome someone who’s not like them. but, honestly, i really appreciate your open mind, and your understanding that God is love, not judgement. you seem like a very nice person, and i commend you for that. again, thank you.
Baby Jesus, I don’t care if you’re a boy, girl, or 8 legged dog…will you marry me?
I think I love you… Really though, do you mind if I quote that? I’ve got a few less-than-computer-savvy people who would love this.
Issy, go ahead and pass that on to as many people as possible, we must show the radical religious right how ridiculous and destructive they actually are.
For those of us “rationalists” a majority that is growing (20% of people under 30 fall into this category) don’t let these people continue to brainwash others with fairytales.
Just because we don’t believe in something that is supernatural, fables written by men before man knew what a germ or an atom was doesn’t mean we don’t have a voice. Continue to push back and open the minds of others — all the love, Baby J.
This definitely made me laugh!
*having gay sex* yes! this is very intollerant.. people not acting like animals?… It’s as if these “humans” have opinions or something… *still sexing it*
hahahah… who ever made this is funny… being gay isnt a choice… whoever came up with this is ignorant!!! much <3
oh whatever, everyone on here shut the heck up already. I dont support gay marriage. Shoot me.
Yeahyeah, thats fine. You are allowed to have your own opinion, but I am still waiting to hear just one logical reason to be against it. and worse why anyone would care so much about something that has so little effect on them.
You all seem like such passionate, caring people and I admire that, I just wish that we would stop saying “Oh maybe next generation” “I’ll do somthing maybe” Gay, By, and Lesbian people are dieing every month and not being treated as Americans or as human beings, and I for one can’t and won’t breath properly untill things change! Why you you all so passionate but seem to lazy to make plans at least to help humans be treated like people! Intorernce will stop, i promise it! Why not you!?
first of all, half of that information is incorrect. such as this:
Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.
yea well, my parents are both straight and i am bisexual and i also know someone else who is that way too.
and this:
Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.
i hang around tall people all the time and i’m not tall.
so you need to change this information!
i love how people don’t understand that it’s sarcastic. brilliant.
BTW i absolutely love this. and i love baby jesus’ list too 🙂
Its really frustrating trying to explain to people why being gay marriage is fine especially when its someone i care about and i don’t want to hurt their feelings by being like “you’re so bloody stupid and your arguments are crap”. its nice to be able to argue in a humorous way sometimes while still getting your point across. Im not saying that its not a serious issue i just think that humor can be a good way to make your argument while not being mean.
but of course the humor only works when your talking to someone who recognizes sarcasm….. lmao
I’ve always loved this list, and damn, the list that baby Jesus posted is just as awesome! Well done! XD
As for the rest of you fools: This is completely sarcastic. Of course hanging around tall people isn’t going to make you tall… JESUS CHRIST!
~Tom XD
you people are ignorant as hell
This is about gay marriage, not homosexuality itself. There is nothing that someone can do to change a persons sexual preference, and i don’t believe that people should be blamed for how they feel. I am, however, against gay marriage. (Please bear in mind that I have gay friends, and am in no way a gay hater or anything like it.) I just don’t see the point in gay marriage. The only logical reason for the want of gay marriage is for monetary benefits. What if civil unions were given those benefits? would the gay community still want to have their relationships called marriages? And if so, why?
Although (some) civil unions do provide all the spousal benefits of marriage, giving it a different name is a legal form of segregation. The controversy of gay marriage boils down to leveling the playing field and having all benefits as well as titles available to all. The question really is, why is the straight community so concerned with preserving the word marriage for just themselves?
this is stupid, this country is based off of christian principles and gay marriage is not one of them! We cannot be a stable country if we continue to try and make everybody happy and give into everyones demands, personally i think that gay marriage should not be legal in any way shape or form!!!!
I agree, I am gay, I like men and am attracted to them. Trust me, it is HARD to not be gay – it is just not possible. But overtime, i found that if I turn away from temptation, that if i reject and disregard the lust within my heart, God uses this ‘gay character – checking out guys etc’ to build me up.
At age 16, like most gay guys, i became attracted to my friend (he was HOT, hard abs, firm pecs, huge biceps). I was caught in a struggle due to the Christianity background through which i was brought up. But when i thought more about it, it was my friend’s character that made me feel warm, that was what i was attracted to. He was not gay, but i was. I was unhappy and became quite sad… for a few weeks actually. But then after thinking and thinking and thinking (about why i am gay, how i can make my friend like me, why am i having these feelings.. etc), i find that if i put aside my ‘gay feelings’ for his body, and instead focus on the feelings of friendship, through following God’s ways, my eyes were opened to his character, through which i learned to implement things like determination, vision, enthusiasm, perseverance – my whole attitude had changed. Over the years, i then became more bold, stronger, confident and more independent. I am however still tempted now and then when i see a hot stud. But i find that if i put God first, and turn away from temptation – yes you can, by just saying ‘no’ to the lust for men in your heart, even though if you want to. Over time, by ‘turning away’, my mindset started to slowly change, and i find the saying “a man thinketh and so is he” to be true. It all depends on yourself, if you continue to have a drops of ‘lust for men’, it would accumulate into a river of lust. But if you control that drop, turning away from lust each time, oneday, that drop of lust would just stop. That doesn’t mean you aren’t gay. But that means u have found another door to a better life. And that is what God has done in my life. Through my weakness, am i made strong.
Just reading up on what i have wrote, and i forgot to mention a vital part: I was attracted to my friend physically and also characterly – his body and pecs etc. But by focusing only on his character through friendship and leaving out the ‘omg what fuckin abs’ part, i saw his openness, and his warmth, and his leadership, and i decided to expand on that.
The sad thing is that most gay people would say ‘I’m gay because it’s just the way i am’ – of which i totally agree. However, they don’t do anything to change that, because it feels natural. But they have to realize that it is not the feelings of ‘partnership’ for their gay friends, but the feelings of lust for the other guy’s hotness or muscle or look that is unnatural. It is the lust that develops through the fondness of another friend. Look through pride parades and u’ll see what i mean. Hunks show off their muscle, and even some not so muscled go off nude. It is the lust of the skin being portrayed through the parade. I agree that everyone have rights, including gay and that it is not one’s choice to be gay or straight. But by encouraging gay society, we encourage more of that lust for skin, we encourage more of that so call ‘partnership’, we encourage more of that which were not meant to be. I believe that there are two sides to everything. You can either say:
“I am Gay and it is normal, it is impossible to change, God has made me this way and therefore it is normal, infact it is shown throughout nature as well”, – this is the people on the pride parades, and yet still lust / have fondness for other men, or :
“I am Gay, God HAS created me this way, but yet, I believe that God has a reason for everything – this weakness, this ‘gay thing’ is not an accident. God has a purpose for me, i may not understand it now, but perhaps, with a little wisdom, i might be able to piece together the puzzles of my life over time, to see the final ‘master piece’. It is through this weakness that i can do great things.”
Indeed, if we were to change our perspective, we will have a greater life, rather than just riding the ‘pleasure cruise’ or taking the ‘checking out guys lane’ or shouting the ‘ i am gay an so live with it, what’s wrong with being sexually involved with guys?’ lane.
There is a way out, being Gay is is no one’s fault – it is natural, but indulging in that behavior is unnatural. We are not all doomed to be gay, we are doomed to live a life of hardship, of struggle between what is right and wrong, doomed to be tempted, only to emerge either a person who is stronger than ever before, or one who is still a slave to unfulfillable pleasure.
And to you all atheist out there – “and the FOOL said, there is no God”, for who created the big bang? who created the creator? who created us? There can be no answer, i agree. But, there can only be faith.
We, the gay community, have to try to just put away that lust and instead focus upon the friendship, for life is more than just ‘relationship with guys’. God has used me through my weakness and opened up my eyes to possibilities of which i would not have seen. If i had kept my ‘gay perspective, attitudes, lust’, i would only always want more – more hunks or more muscle or more gay friends to help me fulfill my lust.
But then, the pleasure of being FREE from all of that, from all the lust, is so much better. For through my weakness, am i made strong.
Tim… it’s such a pity that you’re a homosexual male and I’m an asexual female, for I believe we would raise such wonderfully intelligent children together.
But on to the debate.
Don’t heterosexuals wallow just as much in lust as homosexuals? Through my personal observations, in fact, I’ve come to believe that heterosexuals are more attached to the ‘sins of the flesh’ than homosexuals. Some of the deepest, most emotional relationships I’ve ever encountered have been between homosexuals. I know many gays and lesbians who abstain completely from sex, preferring to keep their bond to a spiritual one.
Homosexuality in and of itself is not just lust or a want for affection, any more than heterosexuality is based on those same things. Often, yes, relationships are formed out of a mutual need for comfort and contact, but the same holds true no matter what a person’s sexual orientation. It’s simply human nature to wish to hold and be held.
We are a species of community- very few people can survive happily without others nearby. We crave interaction, communication, and human warmth, and we most often search for those things through romance.
Shouldn’t we say, then, that heterosexuals should assert ‘I am straight. God has created me this way, and yet, I believe that God has a reason for everything – this weakness, this ‘straight thing’ is not an accident. God has a purpose for me; I may not understand it now, but perhaps, with a little wisdom, I might be able to piece together the puzzle of my life over time, and see the final masterpiece. It is through this weakness that I can do great things.’? Shouldn’t we ask that heterosexuals set aside their lust for the opposite sex and focus their attention on forming bonds of emotion rather than physicality?
All lust is wrong, according to the Bible, so shouldn’t all lust be condemned equally?
I have to say I think your ten reasons are quite amusing, and obviously come from somebody uneducated, I feel sorry for you that your parents didn’t bring you up properly to respect all people, not only are you homophobic, but also racist and sexist:
Heterosexual marriage has been around a long time and hasn’t changed at all; women are still property, blacks still aren’t supposed to marry whites.
Gay people are allowed to have children and have a civil partnership, get over it and get a life and stop trying to ruin others’!
I love ppl think this is serious cracks me up, its clearly making fun of all the stupid close minded ppl in the world. Also no matter what anyones religious beliefs Gay marrige should be legal. It is a fundemental right of all humans to get married. Gay ppl are humans abd therefore deserve the same rights as anyone else. Everyone needs to remeber that love is not a nonrenewable resource. Just becuase mary and lucy get married doesnt mean that joe and sarah cant. People are silly sometimes. Just remember, if we give gay ppl civil rights everyone will want them.
If you GAY people want certain rights as a gay married couple why don’t you move to a country that has legal gay marriage that comes with all the rights you want???? Oh and you GAYs can’t reproduce!! You still take children from strait people to turn those children in to gay people!! WTF is WRONG with YOU!?!?!?
I agree! If you GAY people were to go and live on your own private island that had no strait couples you would all die out becuase of no reproduction and alot of STD diseases!
well, honestly FUCK GAY MARRIAGE.
maybe if you idiots took the time to actually learn about religions and the catholic faith and WHY it is rejected…
adam and eve
not adam and steve;)
Okay okay hold up. I’m against gay marriage too but being rude wont help anything.
And maybe you should read up on your own religion as well. I’m a christian and I think that its time to shine light on this. The bible says not to be of the world. That means not to look or sound like the world. If you haddn’t mentioned catholicism I wouldn’t think you are a christian. Christ like. Remember? Did Christ ever say fu** you to anyone? No he didn’t.
God loves everyone. He loves gay people no matter what they do. Even if the bible says they are wrong. It also says in the bible that sin is black and white to god. And if you lie, its the same as stealing or murdering someone or being gay. And god will just as easily forgive them as he forgives you and me… but will you forgive them?
number 340 tim… YES. that is what i’m talking about.
BTW I am not for or against it, i personally am neutral, unless gay marriage hurts me, honestly who gives a rats ass.
Question all gay bashers.
BTW I am not for or against it, i personally am neutral, unless gay marriage hurts me, honestly who gives a rats ass.
Where did gays come from?
Oh yeah… straight heterosexual parents.
Oh also, like we need more children in the world, over 30% of American kids are in poverty and a large percentage is in orphanages.
Also, in the first article of the bill of rights, we have freedom of religion, which means… YES!!! YOUR RIGHT!! You get to believe in whatever the hell you want if your a US citizen, sorry we don’t run on a theocracy my friends. For you uneducated thats when a country practices and follows one religions principles.
Thanks. Why don’t you get the facts before you go gay bashing.
Why, why, why must I live in a generation of such ignorance? How is it so many people have never heard of the word ‘satire’?
You’ve ceased to be amusing. Go crawl into a hole and live your humorless lives where your complete lack of perspective and immunity to the nuances of the English language will not aggravate me.
THIS IS A JOKE. The creator of this thread is most likely for gay marriage, since he or she took the time to post this list of real arguments that have no basis in common sense.
AgainstU- Yes, because not a single straight couple has ever abandoned a child or put one up for adoption. Damn those amoral baby-snatching fags who kidnap children instead of adopting, bringing their own from previous relationships, or using artificial insemination. Damn them to Hell.
WithU- True, except for one tiny little flaw- homosexuality is not a species. It is a genetic predisposition of the human race that appears in all cultures and all races. Send all the current gay people to their own private island, and more will be born amongst the remaining straight population. Also, which category would you include bisexuals in? They aren’t straight all the time, but they’re not gay all the time, either. Keep them around to sully up our pure heterosexual society, or give the homos a change to reproduce? Decisions, decisions, decisions…
Haha- Using the mythical founding of the human race as an argument against gay marriage is just tasteless. Need I remind you that the sole reason Adam and Eve were created was to reproduce? It had nothing to do with love, politics, or – gasp! – marriage. God gave Adam Eve because he wanted them to make babies. That was it. Please, in the name of your sacred God, find a better argument. One that can’t be shot down by a sixth-grader.
LoL- Joke. Joke. Joke. Do not take this seriously. Please. My head…
You’re right. People are so ignorant. If they want to be against gay marriage they need to have lagitament reasons as to why. And if they believe in god, then they need to actually stand up and be a christian. Christ like. Godly. God is love. so guess what! We also must love.
Beki, i think i love you. thank you so much. seriously, do you want to go to this gay island they keep talking about? it would be a hell of a lot more fun than staying with these ignorant fools. hahaha. you make me smile :D. it’s good to know that not everyone in this world is an idiot.
Oh my. I think this is fantastic. I don’t understand how some people don’t realize the author is intentionally contradicting him/herself though. I am 16 and I could realize that. But I feel bad for the 13 year old “anti-homo”. It’s sad really, and I hope he changes someday. If so many people have a problem with gay “marriage” they should just call it something else, but still get all the privileges of a straight marriage.
I thought this was amazing.
Really I mean straight people fuck up there marriages everyday.
While Gay people just want the right to get married.
People are just naive and ignorant and are there parents fuckin clones.
Why can’t you just accept that there will always be homosexuals just like I have to accept there will always bee heterosexuals.
Damn them heterosexuals and there sick sexual habits lol.
God you haters sound like a bunch of rednecks!
Its nice to hear that enlightenment may be on the rise with the coming generations. As a 16 year old, do you see a large number of your peers who exhibit anti-homosexual opinions, or do you feel that attitudes amongst younger people lean toward (what I feel to be) a more reasonable point of view?
Jeremy: Unfortunately, calling gay marriage something else is somewhat self-defeating. The drive behind gay marriage is a drive for equality- by denying the label of married to same-sex couples, the tables are made permanently uneven. Homophobes will still feel justified in treating homosexuals as a lesser, unnatural set, because obviously they have been deemed ‘not good enough’ for the same marriage as straight couples. Separating straight marriage and gay marriage puts equality in that area forever out of reach, and therefore brings about the exact opposite end gay marriage is expected to achieve.
IMRU: Before posting further comments on this page, please track down a reputable English professor and ask him or her for the definition of satire.
Chris: Being only 20, I feel I’m of much the same generation as Jeremy, and I’ve noticed a distinctly pro-homosexual attitude among my peers, but I tend to spend the majority of my social life around homosexuals and bisexuals, so my opinion there would honestly be quite skewed.
For anyone who didn’t know…
“homosexuality has been documented in over 450 different vertebrate species”
I love this Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve thing. If God did only create two people originally, apparently these people have no problem with incest. Man on man sex WRONG! Man on mother/sister/daughter sex is apparently okay!
Secondly, “this is a country based on Christian values”…well my wife and I were married outside of a church without any religious involvement, yet it clearly states on my guessed it…”marriage certificate”. The law says we’re married and frankly I don’t give hoot if you or your god says different and I’m sure gays wouldn’t either.
My advice if you happen to be against gay marriages…shut the hell u and don’t get one.
gay and lesbians are human too.
the constitution is not about promoting popular morality or opinion, but the rights of its citizens. and children will succeed in any family whether gay or straight as long as they are nurtured and loved.
this is STUPID. no one should be judging like this. heterosexuals cause damage and cause problems too, no one says anything, its a free country. gay and lesbians need support.
Lee: They don’t argue that anymore. Now they argue that what’s natural for animals is not necessarily natural for humans.
Rob: Nicely put, and a belated (possibly very belated o.O) congrats on the marriage.
Matty: Darling, please tell me you’re referring to the comments. I don’t think I could stand it if someone who didn’t get this joke were to wander around calling other people stupid.
Lol, is this supposed to be sarcastic? Because it doesn’t make any sense at all.
Also, why should we care if someone is gay/bi/straight who are we to tell them whom to love and not love? Your heart wants what your heart wants. Get a life.
what sad ppl being GAY dusnt say “ooh look there’s that queer dude”
look my fav actors Gay do i care? No
i think it is good to be gay
and i aint Gay
Why are there so many stupid people in the world?!
*bangs head on keyboard in frustration*
Yes, the list was indeed contradictory and nonsensical; this is because it was supposed to be, in something we educated lot call a ‘j-o-k-e’ – being ‘joke’ for those who are slow. And a funny one at that. God. 😛
At first I was laughing my ass off at the people who didn’t get the sarcasm. But then there were so many that it stopped being funny and became rather disappointing.
Also, Tim above is obviously a fake. I AM GAY BUT GOD HELPED ME RESIST TEMPTATION! I bet its a sixty year old preacher from Alabama.
MAN, I’m like crying from laughing so much! HAHAHA! It’s so FUCKING HILARIOUS!!!
“This is all BULLSHIT!” .>”
Most of the close minded people here seemed to have no problem to relate homosexuality to pedophilia, yet get EXTREMELY angry when we relate pedophilia to certain religions’ higher ranks, even if it’s true.
I’m personally a gay Christian and PROUD! 😀
There ain’t NO-ONE in the world who’s gonna tell me that I’m wrong with proper proof of that! I love my boyfriend! I always will! Nothing/No-one will stop that!
… Ahem… Anyway…
To those people asking why I want a marriage instead of a civil union:
For 2 reasons:
1) Equal rights. A guy and a girl can marry and call it a marriage. As was explained earlier, a guy and a girl who don’t love each other can get married… then why can’t WE get married? Which brings me to my next point…
2) Proof of true devotion. I wouldn’t just want to marry my boyfriend cos of the monetary benefits. Heck, we wouldn’t even NEED that money. The only reason I’d want to marry him is because the love I have for him is beyond anything. And I’d want to prove it to him before everyone, and vow to be with him “until death,” except, if there’s an after-life, I’ll love him until forever (Yep, technically doesn’t make sense but oh well).
Oh, and BTW to the Wiccans:
Hey! Nothing against you at all, and if you believe that you’re doing what’s right, by all means, do it (and as your law/thingy says: As long as it harms no-one, do as thou shalt). d(^_^)
If you don’t wanna change, that’s cool… at least by me (well it should be by everyone! So much for the “freedom” of everyone).
(God, I hope I don’t stuff this part up) May the god and goddess bless you!
-Open minded:
Feel free to reply to me if you’re like that person I saw in the older pages going by the name of “aaron” something: Open minded and not bashing on purpose.
-Close minded:
Get a life! 😛
actually, there are gay animals. turns out they were made that way. its a disease, one on which research has been done and progress could be made to cure those afflicted. but, for some reason, the homosexual population would rather have these rams killed instead of being given drugs to allow them to have a full life of reproducing. but whatever. i don’t get it. If we admit that its biological, its certainly not a beneficial attribute because those of us who are homosexual have no desire to reproduce. Then its a disease. But if its not a disease, then its a choice, and the homophobes win….
“its a disease, one on which research has been done and progress could be made to cure those afflicted.”
Read the APA website. “Homosexuality is not a mental disorder, thus there is no need for a cure.”
“the homosexual population would rather have these rams killed instead of being given drugs to allow them to have a full life of reproducing.”
No, I’d rather live and let live. If they don’t want to have kids OK. If they’re gay and “can’t” have kids, OK. If they can’t have kids, OK.
“If we admit that its biological, its certainly not a beneficial attribute because those of us who are homosexual have no desire to reproduce.”
Take a look at the orphanages.
“But if its not a disease, then its a choice”
Nope. You miss the thousands of other possibilities. Blond people are considered “dumb blonds,” and that they need help. Others find black people “less” than white people, and they need help to overcome their color. Are THOSE diseases? Are THOSE choices?
But i want to reproduce, so for me it is a disease, and i want to be cured. why are you cutting off that option for those of us who want to change? It is a disorder, one that negatively affects my life, caused by a physical deformity that had been proven to exist. you bastards are so full of pride you forget that there are gays who could differ from what you want.
Hahaha. I was researching reasons that gay marriage shouldn’t be legal for this project i have to do in an oral communication class tomorrow (its a long n boring story) but I personally believe in the right to gay marriage, and I didn’t realize this was satire until I read about three of em. I was like greeaat, this is what I have to work with??
People are not born gay. Attraction to a person for reasons beyond friendship starts 99.9% after sometime after a person’s 10 years old. It’s either an incident, yes one, or a long standing environment that people learn this unatural behavior.
Why do you think, 75% of adults who say they are gay/bi were either sexually assaulted or molested. It’s because often that’s a baseline into thinking being gay is natural or is normal the one acting out homosexual behavior. Also, often people act out bad experiences like molestation because of shame. Look at domestic violence, its a behavior, in fact its a learned behavior just like being gay is. Why are 90% of perpetrators of domestic violence victims of it and learned it from their environment? it’s not rocket science.
Some men may appear more feminie in nature and vice versa, but usually those people are ridiculed so much as teens they either accept homosexuality or hang around gay people and hence you have a homosexual. Its like the white kid who hangs out in the hood and thinks he’s a gansgsta, same principal. Gay marriage is not right because its another attempt to normalize something that both evolutionally and spiritually and physically doesn’t make sense. The only thing that makes sense is God=, and people need to change their behaviors before accepting something so unatural. Sure I didn;t cover everything, but I think you get it.
As for gay animals.If you want to use that logic. Cannibalism occurs in the animal kingdom as well, does that make it a good thing. If animals can eat members of their own species than why cant we? Why? Because its immoral and every fiber ouf our being rejects it, thats why!
My point being, just because we see it in nature,it doesnt make it right.
To Tim and Beki, OMG! LOGICAL PEOPLE!!! AT LAST!!! I am and 20 year old HETEROsexual female, which i feel like establishing since it seems rare that a heterosexual would believe that homosexual marriage should be legalized and should have been long ago. Ironically enough what brought me to this page was I am attemtping to write an ethics paper on why gay marriage should be legalized. And…(i think you will find this amusing) i was trying to find a page that logically had a reason to not legalize it to argue against. Now out of sheer curiosity i read the majority of this page. (although i started to skip most of the gay bashing toward the end, because it was the same worn out ILLOGICAL excuses) and sad to say i still haven’t found what i am looking for. but i am happy that i could find some logical beings out there, thank you for existing regardless of your sexuallity.
anyway, other than what was referred to in the ten points …
1) To those unaware of the fact that the author is joking about being against gay marriage, and truly thinks that he/she is promoting racism/sexism/intolerance in general. Get off the computer and get you I.Q. tested.
2) To my dear Christian’s, I was raised episcopalian ( though i can’t spell it and am currently just a deist who can’t find her true god) and thus know all the arguements.
a) it’s unnatural… well what do you mean unnatural?
i) animal wouldn’t do it? (hahaha… how silly to base human nature on that of animals, because SURELY intelligent and scientifically advanced animals should be the basis of our sexuality and anyway aren’t their many species of animals that have homosexual relationships? hardly an argument don’tcha think?)
ii) or maybe unnatural means you wouldn’t want to do it? ( true i honestly think that 2 guys making love is kinda gross to me but at the same time i think dark chocolate is gross too so thats hardly an arguement)
3) god made adam and eve not adam and steve…( really talk about beating a dead horse. Sorry my dear Christain’s but you cannot base an argument of law on religion. Unless you live in a nation that follows only ONE religion. hell we don’t even follow ONE christainity never mind one religion. to protect your freedom of religion you must respect and protect theirs too. )
4) it’s a disease….. (if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.. if you feel your broke then fix it)
5) born that way vs. it’s a personal preference… ( whether it is a choice or nature does it really matter? whether it is a choice or an innate desire does not make it wrong, nor does it make it right. *what makes a rapist rape? innate desire or personal choice?* regardless you cannot base the rightness or wrongness of this action in this manner)
i would write more but i have a paper to get done
to beki and tim, i think you would enjoy this article ” why shouldn’t Tommy and Jim have sex?” A Defense of Homosexuality by John Corvino
I take some of what i said back i have read all of the fourth page tee hee
oh, one more thing.
to Gay-100% learned behavoir
i was born and raised in the south. in high school there was a boy who transferred in my senoir year and he was indeed very feminine and often said so he was often bullied, to the point that he transferred out. But no matter how hard things got he still said he wasn’t the way just by having a real conversation you could tell he wasn’t gay. and now in college i have a buddy he’s not feminine at all who i know from other sources that he is gay but it is so taboo around here that i doubt he will tell me anytime soon….. hmmm lets think about this… has it ever occured to you that the reason so many would deny being gay in the first place was because it is so taboo? And since that is the case wouldn’t not be logical to assume that people would lie in your so called tests even if the tests had assured privacy? then what basis could those tests hold if the people they are trying to measure falsify the test?
GAY IS WRONG!!! I feel sorry for all of you gay and lesbians that can’t control your feelings. I know its not your fault you feel this way. Its so against rulz of morals and everything right. I preferred it in the closet and not out!
ok Dork It says in bible gay people should be kild if they ever have sex with difrent sex or animal
If u call ur self a cristan and ur gay you are not a cristan OK? so do say crap like Jesus didnt hate cus ovisly hes a sinless man
I am a boy from china , in our country, people forbid gay, and why? our religion and mind forbid gay. in our opinion ,a real family is male and female . and have their own child~
“Gay – 100% Learned Behavior…”
Shut your big pussy hole.
Me and my boyfriend were NEVER raped! Nor were my other gay friends! (Over 50 of them)
Oh, AND I was raised a Jehovah’s Witness (highly anti-gay).. that means I should be a gay basher like yourself. Well… NEWSFLASH! I’M GAY!
So you are officially the world’s number 2 idiot. (Number 1 is Fred Phelps).
“As for gay animals.If you want to use that logic.. blah blah blah… I eat shit… blah blah blah…”
Hmm… interesting. Cos your whole point was trying to “prove” that gays are unnatural. Nothing that happens in the animal kingdom is unnatural. It may seem against our morals, but it doesn’t make it unnatural. They kill their own kind for food. What do us humans do? Believe it or not, we do the same.
Oh and cannibalism hurts people because you’re killing them. How does homosexuality kill people or hurt other people’s feelings, if they respected and realized the truth about homosexuality?
If you’re going to use the AIDS excuse, please get a life, cos even straight people have AIDS.
“GAY IS WRONG!!! I feel sorry for all of you gay and lesbians that can’t control your feelings. I know its not your fault you feel this way. Its so against rulz of morals and everything right. I preferred it in the closet and not out!”
Your morals aren’t everyone else’s..
“ok Dork It says in bible gay people should be kild if they ever have sex with difrent sex or animal”
Yes, and we can’t go toilet either. WOOT!
“If u call ur self a cristan and ur gay you are not a cristan OK? so do say crap like Jesus didnt hate cus ovisly hes a sinless man”
Maybe try to fix your spelling, mkay? If you HATE you’re not Christian. And even IF the Bible said that guys can’t have sex with guys no matter the circumstances (doubt it), then it STILL doesn’t disapprove of gays in general. So there goes your stupid point.
And unlike you, I *can* live without sex.
“I am a boy from china , in our country, people forbid gay, and why? our religion and mind forbid gay. in our opinion ,a real family is male and female . and have their own child~”
You are entitled to your own opinion, but if you try and enforce your beliefs on others, that’s not gonna help. Infertile couples can’t have kids, you know?
Since California now allows us to vote on other people’s human rights, I propose we put to public vote that anyone who says gays are dirty, diseased, pederasts or a privileged elite be sterilized.
“Since California now allows us to vote on other people’s human rights, I propose we put to public vote that anyone who says gays are dirty, diseased, pederasts or a privileged elite be sterilized.”
isn’t that nice of you dood? but more hate has never really solved the problem of eliminating hate
“If u call ur self a cristan and ur gay you are not a cristan OK? so do say crap like Jesus didnt hate cus ovisly hes a sinless man”
yes but thieves, murderers and liars meet the standard because they aren’t. everyone has a different sin (if you even consider being gay a sin, i don’t incidentally) you can’t pick and choose who can be Christian and who can’t only god can.
“ok Dork It says in bible gay people should be kild if they ever have sex with difrent sex or animal”
in leviticus it also says slavery is morally right. good luck re enslaving the population with a black president
Gay marriage is wrong!
Just read the bible!!!
To all the gay people;
You will NEVER have a family. Because family is a Female and male..then comes kids.
It’s just discusting to think that someone can love the same sex. That is NOT love. Once again read the bible. God created Adam and Eve.
….everyone has stated there opinions and I just stated mine.
Thank God proposition 8 passed!
Gay marriage is wrong, plain and simple. You can make all the excuses you want…the fact remains its wrong and sinful. Its not closed mindedness…its YOU who close your mind to reality. Reality is its wrong. But who are you to be told when your fucking up?
This country is losing its dignity, integrity, honesty, respect, value, quality. Don’t need to argue with my points. Look around you, the surroundings you live in, many fowl words, many excuses, many so called white lies, devalued acts, don’t care attitudes, self-centered, selfish, not much self esteem, acts of no respects, intimidation, too much sexual orientation, too much indulge in lust, twisted self-consciousness; I believe you can add on some more to this list, if you have integrity.
I do have some good homosexual friends, they are happy, they don’t need marriage, because marriage to them are traditional sense, since they are out of norm (no matter they are married or not ), they don’t need to create chaos to their lives, as long as they are “gay” (happy). Just like the word “gay”, supposedly they are happy all the time and they want to be free, why bother to tie into marriage, thus they are not limiting themselves to feel “gay”. I think only under Mayor Newsom’s influence, homosexual people become bonding into traditional sense, they are not free no more; they will become possessive, and fall into traditional marriage trap. Do you think people know what the marriage is about anymore? Please check the divorce rate.
I’ve noticed that some homosexual people are together for over 30 years, if they weren’t gay with each other, they could have separated long ago, they didn’t need a piece of paper to prove they are worth to each other. Why Gavin Newsom want to have homosexual people to be married? Have you homosexual people ever asked him why? Haven’t you had the same rights like heterosexual marriage people? I do not understand of creating chaos to this world.
AND, please, please, please, homosexual people please just be happy with each other, don’t bring baby in your life, you don’t need to have other people’s gene in your life; if you are not satisfied with the partner of your choice, then better choose another one. There is no need to create chaos into this world, if you have conscience.
The comments of your points:
1. Eyeglasses, polyester, air conditioning, are man-made.
2. Height is limited by your gene, but not “GAY”.
3. One Caucasian commented “When will the end of inter species sex?” Dog did get their paw stamped on the “Will”.
4. Where are (were) you in this century? You must have hibernated.
5. It demonstrated the lust and too much freedom; also they don’t know the meaning of marriage. Every country should issue pre-marriage license for those who graduate from the marriage classes.
6. Sincerely, please don’t bring more chaos to this world, this country is on crystal pedestal bowl, supposedly be a good leader of all things.
7. Have you ever heard about that children influenced by their friends? Who you hang out with is vital important, don’t you think so?
8. America is a free country, I really wish there is only one religion like you said, we are living in 2008 Christ year; “In God We Trust.” drove many other religions into this country.
9. Please ask every Single parent “Is it tough to raise children alone?”
10. Human life span is supposedly 120 years according to our cell regeneration life, but human beings sabotage their gene in their early age with their limited knowledge, and they created too many things to hurt themselves.
Final comments, enough for all these; please focus on bringing the best of the best health products into your life to live a very healthy, happy life, because you need it. Currently, there are one in two men and one in three women getting cancers. Our society is in vital task, tax will be on the rise, not only for current crises but for future society health crisis too. Save every penny you get, pay only you need, be considerate, watch your words, do the right things, and be happy.
Oh, I forgot to add on, the virus resists to medicine in 3-5 years, but it takes 10 years to have a new tested medicine. Human beings is facing no cure era, be careful with your life, or soon you will be suffering.
Tulip- then we might as well abolish marriage altogether, because if a gay couple who live together for 30 years don’t need that piece of paper, neither do a straight couple who live together for the same amount of time. By your reasoning, marriage in and of itself is completely useless and has no place in this world, as it only generates chaos.
And why does your comment seem more like a rail against chaos and a live-healthy spiel than anything having to do with gay marriage?
Wendy- The problem with all three of your posts is that you’re taking your religious beliefs and trying to ram them down our throats. It doesn’t matter what the Bible says- the world ain’t Christian, and America ain’t a theocracy. The Bible does not dictate our laws. There is supposed to be a clear separation of Church and State, meaning stop bringing religion into a political argument.
Same goes for you, Grace.
Stop hiding behind your Bible and give me just one good, non-religious reason why gay marriage can’t be allowed, because illogic is the last desperate refuge of someone with no valid argument to stand behind.
Grace & Wendy,
I hope I am there to witness when you finally do meet God, for when you look upon Her you will despair that you lived your lives with such hatred and ignorance. God is not Christian or Catholic or Muslim, straight, or black or communist. She is not the Bible. She is Love, and those who live with Love in their hearts She will shower with the glorious reward of eternal bliss and shine Her light upon all those they love.
Those of you with this unholy blackness in your hearts, Wendy and Grace, will learn the Truth: That although God is Love, She is also Justice, and for YOUR sins you will burn in everlasting demonic agony for cowardly hiding behind Her name while spewing your imbecilic hate, and for casting venom on people who Love, many of whom possess character and honor that you would cower in the presence of.
Search your hearts. You KNOW you are WRONG. You still have time to Change. SEARCH YOUR HEARTS.
Black’s aren’t sopose to marry whites,you stupid…….Where the hell you get your sources from….
Very funny, I thought 😉
Will the religionists keep pushing for their “rights” until the delineation between Rights Of Being (Gender, race, sexual orientation) trumps Rights Of Choice (membership, nationality, religion)? If your Right Of Choice infringes on someone else’s Right Of Being, Right Of Being WINS. Example: If you don’t believe that women are equal to men, your Right Of Choice (religious belief in inferiority of women) loses to Right Of Being (gender). You don’t get to vote on other people’s rights of being. Not ever.
Right Of Being vs. Right Of Choice — the first comes first. Remember that.
i fucken hate that you would say that i am gay
both parents straight.the reasons why we are gay can very. for one we can be born with it, it is called harmones fuck nut.
straight people think that ohh we can make fun of gays and get away with it because it is wrong.well they can shove it. i like dick and i fuck ass that is just who i am
straight people fuck ass,pussy.
straight is just the same as gay just diffrent gender.
i bet you didnt know that 20% of suicides are gay people. i live through it every day i have a people drive by me
and fuckin throw shit. well u know what i should start doing that to striaght people AND THE FIRST PERSON SHOULD BE U ASSWHOLE so fuck off and leave life as it turns.
and i think that everyone that dont exept the fact that gay people r here and will always be should not be exepted for being themselfs
Grace and Wendy: your ignorance is overwhelming and disappointing. I am going to assume you are both early teens with ideals forced upon you, whether you know it or not. You need to step out of the box in which you reside and realize that homosexuality is not a sin. Also, you need to ask yourself if the Bible is law, if God in the sense of a being with reason and consciousness such as ours exists. Grow up, develop your own reasons and then decide if they are legitimate, or based upon some bias you have acquired through no fault of your own.
I know where you are, as i have been there. I felt as you do now, and i am not ashamed to say it.
But the only thing that delaying gay marriage, as it WILL happen eventually, is doing is spreading hatred and dissent. And whats worse, you are doing it at the same time as using the LORD as an excuse. i honestly doubt you have read the bible for yourself, and determined what its words mean for YOU, instead of conforming to a certain branch of Christianity.
Love comes in all forms, and from the way you speak of love you are ignorant to that as well. If you had felt it, you would know that it knows no guidelines, no rules.
Continue to look deep inside. it wont happen right away, and your pride will keep it at bay even longer, but keep fighting.
This is horrible.
Im 15 and I have to say, religion seems to be the biggest reason why there is so much hate in the world.
Why we can’t have open minds and accept one another for who they are rather than what they are is beyond me.
People need to grow up.
Yes im gay, and I was never raped or molested as a child.
It was never my choice to be gay, but yet I get the shit on by people like Grace, Raymond, Yes on 8. Its just not fare.
I’m a 14 year old gay male, and I found this list hilarious (I was also sharp enough to realise it is a joke… remember, 14…)
But I am deeply disturbed by several of these anti-gay comments.
To the religious nuts:
You need to realise that your beliefs are not shared throughout the entire world. You have no right to force what you think on other people (I think it should be considered a form of harrassement and be a punishable offence, but being an atheist of course I would.) Realise that not everyone believes in what the Bible says, so there is no point in claiming “You will burn in Hell for eternity” if we don’t even believe in hell.
To the person who said being gay is a disease:
… just no. No. You are… beyond ignorant. Do your research. Being gay is not a deformity, it isn’t a virus. It isn’t a choice either. You just are. You can’t “cure” being gay, just like you cant “cure” being Asian or African (of course, neither of these things NEED to be cured).
To the person who said that gay people take children from straight couples:
What, you think they climb in their windows at night and steal their newborn? They get children from Orphanages, where straight couples DUMP their unwanted children.
To the person who said being gay is an attained behaviour, and also whoever said that you’re gay because you got raped or molestered:
I’m living proof that is fake. I was raised in a normal home by normal, straight parents. I have never been sexually abused in any way by anyone. Ever. And yet I am still gay.
Also to the attained behaviour guy (or girl) – guess what? I was never made fun of by other people. I didn’t choose to be gay because other people thought I was. That is the most ridiculous logic I have ever heard.
To all other ignorant people:
Realise that being gay is not a choice. We are born gay, We live our whole lives gay. We cannot change. It does not affect who we are. We don’t have to be feminine. We don’t have to be hairdressers and florists. It doesn’t make us any less intelligent (I’m a straight A’s student). We love, just as straight people do. We don’t just want sex.
I have many friends who know I am gay and have accepted me. One of them is Christian, but he is able to see past his religious beliefs and realises that being gay should not be marked as “sinful”.
I am amused by this list, I am disturbed by the ignorance of the majority, I am worried for the future if such abuse should continue.
But, most importantly, I am proud to be gay.
Gay people are wrong!!!!!! RT
Fuck you, Bretney!!!
Damn right, GodWhoLovesGays.
I’d worship you any day.
I would like to mention something I forgot before – for some time, I self-harmed because I thought I was wrong. Some teens kill themselves over this.
People who gay bash are, though indirectly, murderers. We have enough self esteem issues to worry about without having “Gay is Wrong” being thrown at us all the time. It is more than enough to push one over the edge.
Oh, and the people leaving comments that simply say “Gay is wrong” and don’t leave ANY reason (even though every reason can be deflected), stop wasting everyone’s time. You don’t give even a speck of evidence why this thing that is perfectly natural is supposedly “wrong”.
Right…… and someoone who writes as poorly as you do, can vaoice his/her opinnion, than gay people shall forever be able to marry…..Can you tell me, how do you become gay? perhaps by eating rancid yogurt?
who knows……swish….swish
wow very patriotic of you “republican”
maybe you should be the one to leave your COUNTRY since you cant fucking spell.
It’s not really any of your business going around saying whats right and what’s wrong.
Politically, you are being very selfish.
Sexuality should not define us.
You people should keep your opinions, on these sort of touchy subjects, to yourselves.
Jac apparently doesn’t know what PARODY is. And Chloe, why keep an issue like discrimination ‘to ourselves’? Nothing gets done that way.
Wow…. the retardedness of some of the comments here…
The freaking post itself is obviously a parody… and we get people condemning the poster because he posted it.
Then there’s the arguments from both sides.
I’m Catholic… and I’m against gay marriage… in the Church. I don’t feel that outside of the Church it’s any of my business, after all doesn’t the United States have freedom of Religion?
So yeah… To all those who are condemning gays: Fuck all of you, and learn your religion. Learn to think, not to hate. Who are you to limit God?
Why do I get the feeling the Republican was being sarcastic?… you know what, I’m just going to keep my faith in humanity and believe that nobody in the world is that stupid and that Republican is actually a democrat… and a very funny one at that.