At the request of a random visitor to the #wordpress
IRC channel, I created a plugin called “Multiple Authors.”
The requester said that he and his wife collaborated on blog posts from time to time, and wanted a way of designating that there were two authors. Multiple Authors will keep track of what secondary authors edit a post, and add them on as authors. This part is automatic (although you are free to add authors by adding a meta_key of “other_author” and a value of their login name). There is also a template tag (to be placed right next to <?php the_title(); ?>
) that will display any extra authors, seamlessly.
Pretty simple, but kinda neat, eh? Leave suggestions and bug fixes over on its page.
Works great thanks..! I can’t see any bugs either… Do you have any suggestions for maybe favicon images for authors. Maybe coffe2code has it but would that work for this?
Thanks much for writting this. I play with a number of sites and a number of CMSs but the site I mentioned as my URI for this comment matters much to myself and many Fraternity Brothers.
Your efforts are saving me much time and making things easier for many people.
Thaks again.
I’ve thought about this problem for quite sometime, the problem is that it’s difficult for this author to exist outside of the metadata. I.e. author-template.php functions will never exist for this author because wp_query isn’t engineered to search metadata. Though one could engineer a custom wp_query, with lots of authors it really becomes taxing to the database. I think there should be a separate authors table that maps author_ids to article_ids, but this is difficult based on how WP does things now.
Could this plugin be used to have 10 authors each log in from different locations and adding new posts? Just checking before trying.
I’ve got an author description in my sidebar, and now I’ve got this plugin installed I’d like to put descriptions for both authors there. Is there any way to do that?
I need to be able to tick a checkbox next to a name in a list of authors instead of typing one into a meta-field for a post.
Is there a way to do this with a plugin, or would it require hacking the WP core?
Hi, just a question. I’m having a couple problems with this plug-in. I’m calling the other authors via:
My first problem, is that ‘ and ‘ is not being shown between authors. I read through the comments here, and didn’t find a solution to this, maybe I just missed it.
Second, when a second author is added to the post. The post does not show up when you click on that author’s link. It appears that although their name is being displayed, the post isn’t attributed to their “user”. Is there any fix for either of these? I appreciate your time, thanks
Oh, and also, the multiple authors thing is REALLY throwing off my RSS reed. Again, any help or direction I can get is much appreciated, thanks!
I’ve written a new WordPress plugin called “Co-Authors” that is inspired by this plugin. It is more efficient in that it stores the user ID instead of the user nicename.
Features include:
See more on the Co-Author Plugin page.
This plugin rocks and I’m going to recommend it to the world.